Friend is selling me 2 Jl W0 10 inch subs in the box used but tested work great and look great. He is selling for $100 is this worth it? If so what kind of amp do you recommend, I want them loud but not blown.
ok. i also meant their impedance. dual or single coils. that way we can find you an amp to run them with out killing them.
Yea thanks a lot i believe they are 4 ohm dual voice. If you could tell me best wiring and amp that be great.
correct me if im wrong but i think the WO subs are single voice coil. As for the amp, what's your budget? any brands in particular you really like?
for the two subs, you're looking at either wiring them into a 2ohm load or an 8ohm load. I would prolly go with the 2ohm load. so find an amp that puts out about 250watts at 2ohms. Here's a good amp for your JL's: