Ok in a Few moments I am going to change to whole Layout of the Forums, Here is what I will be going General Discussion Zone ----------Mobile Electronics News ----------Car Audio {General Talk} ----------Car Audio Tutorial Discussions [newforum] ---------- For Sale ---------- Home Audio Dealer Support Forums --------Sound Foundations Forum Pointless Zone ------ Member Intros ------ Off Topic News ------ Pointless posts ------ Picture Posts ------ Site News/Feedback Performance Zone -------Domestic Cars/Trucks ------- Import Cars/Trucks Review Zone ------- All Review Forums Let me know if you like is better or worse
there are none avaible, I have to custom make one. You have to remember the software I am running right now is not even avaible to the public yet, I purchased a Lic awhile back and part of that is I get the forum release before they are released to the public (and other benifits) so nothing extra is really avaible yet, I have to custom write or make any mods or skins I need Plus I have a few other items on my Plate right now as well.
Ahhh. Invision Power Board... I'm using a version of this on a Forum I admin mod... Now I know who to come to when I need to pick someone's brain...
I like the current look more than any others up to this point...it has a very pleasant, unassuming look to it.
pick away, I have been Using long before it was name Invision Power Board Use to be IBF which I dont even remeber what it stood for now.. that was the .1X days this is 2.0PF (prefinal)
How come I posted above^^right above^^, and it has me as "guest"? n/m, I wasn't logged in. Hmmm, you're gonna let anyone post on this board Michael, registered or unregistered?
because you were not logged in... Should not have let you post though, Back to looking at my Permissions..... As far as the Skin... I think you will like what I come up with, My Design Skills have come a Long way since I made the Old Cat Theme... it is just a matter now Of Learning the New Template Engine
I am totally hating this new look. Its completely identical to every other forum I have been to. Is there any way to change the look of it?
civic has been having that problem lately last i heard sandt was still trying to teach him how to read again.
He is probally Still in shock over his baby getting married and haveing a baby of her own (and not his) I probally will have a Skin Later to night, but it will be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY basic, VERY basic and DARK, because we cant have a Super Mod Going Blind On Us can we??
yeah dark. cause i dont wanna be reading the posts to civic on the phone tonight cause he cant see the words.
And that is a scary fuckin thought... Think about it, I am a mechanic, there is no way I can read or display any semblance of intelligence
Mike, you will be getting old someday soon... Remember in the Patriot... I had always feared my past would return to haunt me, and the debt is more than I can bear...
I think it looks good so far... Except for the missing smileys! :bag: Templates, shmemplates.... I don't think I've ever changed one on any forum. As long as I can read the words, and it's not some headache-inducing yellow-on-red or something... it's fine with me.
well the Smilies are back so stop your bitching will ya????? :lmfao: and Civic if you were a Deadbeat dad and a bad Dancer you should have Knocked up Spears