Does anyone have any advice in building flared slot ports? I just recently took up an interest in sound systems (mainly subs) and have 2 audiobahn AW1200V's (12"). I have them in a sealed box for now, but I am looking into building a ported box of some kind. Originally I had planned to go with circular ports but after seeing some of the custom flared ports on here, I think I am changing my mind to go with something more along that style. I want to go with 2 dual flared slot ports(1 for each sub) and I am having trouble trying to figure up the area and if the flare makes any difference on port volume? I can supply the specs for the subs and the recommended box dimensions if someone is just willing to try to figure the whole thing up, just let me know and I will post them! :lol: If anyone has any knowledge of building this style enclosure I would greatly appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me. This is the style work I am going for.. Thanks everyone, Caleb
The port size is calculated just like you would for any standard port. The main purpose of the flare is to increase the performance of the port.
LOL.... that's a link to my build pics the flare helps eliminate any turbulance at the port opening by giving the air a radius to slide around VS a square edge