Flaming on CAF

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by The_Ancient, Mar 26, 2002.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    IT has gotten to a all time high

    seems like every other threadsome one is starting something with some one else

    i am sick of it

    I am ALMOST to the point where I am going to STOP posting there all together

    I can gauantee that will not happen here

    once traffic picks up I WILL me appointing mods for eash section

    so you seroir member can start putiing in request now if you want
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Lookit, MichaelP, you can't even gaurantee yo' daddy is really yo' daddy..
    And speaking of yo' mama...
    Yo mama SO fat... when she hauls ass she's gotta make two trips...
    I don't know what that says about yo' daddy's taste...
    But it could be because yo' daddy so ugly, he's like taco bell.. when people see him they run for the border...
    And this forum..
    This forum so stupid, it's members are in rehab because they are all hooked on phonics...


    :rocket: :uzi:
    :sniper: :grenade:

    PS: Can I be a mod now?

  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    There goes geo...

    I agree. I have basicly stopped as well. It just gets old when a question turns into a slam fest. I get tired of being told I know nothing about cars:rolleyes: .

    There are so many there that ride on others coattails and have NO real input of there own. The base users over there has really declined in overall knowledge and objectiveness. Everyone knows better than everyone else. I'm glad we have a good crew here. I'm also glad that a fair # of the truely intelligent members over there are coming here more.

    I say thanks guys, for making this forum fun and informative.
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Geo as a mod.... Hmmm, good idea!!!
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    It was nice knowing you all! :D
    Well, see...
    If you'd all stop posting in that WOT area where all you get is blind musclecar guys thinking a car equals nothing other than it's motor.. ;)

    I agree with you though, that wears thin on you after making the same points over and over and seemingly in one ear and out the other...
    It's not all about HP, you know?
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Geo you an talk about my mom all you want (We dont get along anyway) but dont you start talking about my camaro and my V* motors them are fightin words:p


  7. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    But not number of cylinders!
    I remember that thread about that funnycar with the 5.0 liter built-from-scratch 4 cylinder motor, that ran on nitromethane with twin turbos and NOS.. the whole works, anything you could throw at a motor to get more HP out of it..
    Damn thing did 4000 HP!

    Hey, it's all about weight and efficiency to me...

    If they made V8 motors out of lightweight plastic (hey... ceramic?)somehow that could at least get the MPG of the newer Z28's, I'd wish for that motor in everything!

    ..no, I'd still want a V7 or V9 or something JUST to be different so I could make fun of the V8-worshipping cultists!:rocket:
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well after I get my Camro done (with a V8:D ) I am going to Work on a my T-Bird

    I want to make it a sleeper

    and i want to Leave the 3.8L V6 in just Mod it out with all the good Performace parts (which are HARD to find)
  9. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    It's not all that it's like Alt ?s and Battery ?s and wiring ?s and shit like that. I mean,, I do that for a living, and I do it better than 95% of the professionals out there. I get tired of the same arguement.
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    They have. It may be a reality for consumers some day.
  11. striker754

    striker754 Guest

    Sure, for the import section.....ONLY!
  12. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    yes ive noticed the flaming is crazy over there!!!


    id like to be a mod. i def. wouldnt let flaming start over here becuase it does make u not want to go to CAF.

    remember at the beginning of CAF it says "it was created as an alternative to spam saturated and flaming on rec.caraudio.com

    now its become a victim of flame and spam :spam: :thumbdown

    this forum is 100 billion times better:headbang:
  13. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    he woln't be very busy then:laugh:

    Hey Geo.... buy american!!!
  14. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I know his answer to that, but I'll wait...
  15. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Striker drives a hooptie! :D

    No, I generally avoid those WOT type sections, just visit them occasionally, if they show up in the "show new posts" listing or something..
    If I were a mod for Import section, I would be like an absentee landlord! :D

    I don't like the segregation that much anyways..
    I try to stay neutral, cars are cars, they are all made from the same parts..
    As far as why I own import vehicles, I have reasons..
    With my Civic, NOTHING else had the dual-unequal-length A-arm suspension below $40K..(OK, the Integra) and even at that price point, nothing is close to the light weight of the Civic (bye bye integra)... And nothing else made daily-driver sense, great MPG, back seat, and Honda's KNOWN reliability (bye bye american car companies!)..

    I own a Nissan truck for NO other reason than I got it for $1000, and it was TOTALLY rust free.. I was actually shopping for a newer S-10.. this truck just impressed me that much, even though it was older (1990)..

    My wife owns a VW really for no other reason than she wanted something fun and unique to drive, that didn't look like the other boring cars on the road (previously she had a '98 Corolla... yawn)... And the VW fit the bill, and is honestly a VERY impressive car, for what it comes with at the price it is at!

    You just have to have REASONS for stuff..

    What annoys me are people who are just like "buy american" with no other reason behind that..
    If I want to support an "american" charity, I will donate money.. I am not going to base the 2nd largest purchase I will ever make (2nd to a house) just based on "buy american" slogan! :rolleyes:
    If american car companies want my business, I am not prejudice against them.. just make a quality product... ;)

    Also what annoys me are people who think a car equals it's motor..
    People driving clapped out 78 Monte Carlo's and think it's a good car "cause it's got a 350 in it"...
    Or people who's first question is "how much HP has it got?"
    (It at least wouldnt' annoy me if the first question was instead "how quick is it" - the REAL issue...
  16. Hobopenguin

    Hobopenguin New Member


    read the first few paragraphs... after that it starts talking about unions. But it brings up a good point. "Buying American" is hard when it comes to cars. GMs been moving tons of factories to Mexico to produce its cars cheaper. And more and more "imports" aren't imported so it saves on shipping costs.
  17. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I thought geo would bring that up:mad: . The only car produced in the US is the Accord.
  18. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Hey, my Civic was built in Ohio, and assembled in Canada (I just consider them a bunch of extra states anyways, not "imported", you know? maybe because I live so close to the border, or maybe because the entire population of Canada lives within 100 miles of the border... :D)

    It's all a sham...
    Nothing made me laugh more than the Ford Probe I saw driving once, candy-red Probe, with a big blue and white"I buy American" sticker on it..
    A ford probe! This person didn't realize they were driving a re-badged Mazda MX-6, it's "sister car".. an import...

    And like you said, you never know nowadays..

    My wife drives a VW new beetle.. German car? Only in design.. built in Mexico..
    GM cars built in Mexico? Probably quite a few nearly 100%...
    So who's driving the import and who is driving the Domestic?
    My wife with her VW, or my neighbor with his GM and the big "I support america" sticker on his bumper? ;)

    I just don't worry about it.. it's not worth the wasted brain effort...

    Only ONE thing matters..
    Which one is the BETTER DAMN CAR! I'll take THAT one... :cool:
  19. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    there are more then Accords buit here I am sorry

    I live not 15mins from a subaru-izuzu(sp?) Plant

    But yes the Americna car compaines car moving more and more to mexico and THAT is where the reliablity issue are from

    oif you look at studies that talk bad about the american cars about 90% of the bad cars come from mexico

    so to solve that when buying a GM Ford ect look at the Plant is was made in (it is on EVERY car)
  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    BTW I have NEVER owned anything other the GM and Fords

    and I have NEVER had a probelm with them other then whent he go over 200K in miles

    My mom has a Hondayi and it has been in the shop more than i can count

    I have had

    1984 Pont T1000-- Dies at 150K
    1984 Ford T-Bird---Dies at 120K
    1983 Ford T-bird---Died at 110K
    1978 Pont T/A ----Dies with over 250K on the motor and 400K on the car

    1994 For T-Bird 89K and still going, only one problem and that was a recall from Ford on head gasket problems NO COST to me

    Other than routine things like Brake pads, oil ect I have dont no major work on these cars