Five channel amp question

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by kalashluvr, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. kalashluvr

    kalashluvr New Member

    Hi, can a five channel amp deliver power at the four ohm rated level to four door speakers and on the fifth channel deliver power at the two ohm rated level (to the subwoofer)?

    Also, will all amps do this (if it's possible) or is there a certain term in amp descriptions that will tell the buyer if the amp is capable?

    I have four ohm door speakers and a two ohm sub but many of the five channel amps don't put out enough juice on that fifth channel.

  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

  3. monster71

    monster71 Full Member

    Go to and choose amplifers then sort by channels. Look at the hifonics one. 4x60 w RMS @ 4 ohms and 1 x 475 w RMS @ 2 ohms. Something like that.
  4. kalashluvr

    kalashluvr New Member

    So amps can actually be feeding power to different channels with different ohm impedances.

    You could theoretically have two ohm speakers on channels 1&2, with the two ohm power level, four ohm speakers on rear, and then a two ohm sub on channel five.
  5. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

  6. TE5LA

    TE5LA Guest

    Only if the amplifier is designed to handle these loads. Not all are. Good amps will state what loads are acceptable on each output. Remember, bridging two channels is the same as dropping the speaker load in half.
  7. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member
