First Time

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by new2thegame, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. new2thegame

    new2thegame New Member

    Hey all,

    I am looking to build on my sound system in my car but don't know much about it all.

    I want to have 1 sub and 2 speakers channeled through an amp. I don't have an amp or a sub yet but would like some recommendations.

    I don't want an extremely hardcore loud and bassey set-up but something to just get me started.

    Would like a 12" sub, so what would be a powerful enough amp??
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    your amp choice would depend on your sub choice.

    then there is enclosure type and sound system goals, and power requirements.

    if your wanting to do this on a budget you can start with the head unit, then replace the front speakers. ( demo these before you buy) hit up a shop with a demo car or a listening room. there you can get a good idea on how they will sound.

    this will get you started on your way to better sound. listen to some subs too if you might get a discount if you buy it all at once. if budget allows.

    get yourself a sub and amp that are matched to each other. 500 watt sub.. 500~600 watt amp. and don't skimp on the power wire for said amp/s. that is important too. that can cost upwards of 100 or more depending on the power being run.

    you can do this all at once or in stages. i've heard properly installed 5 speaker systems that sound great. the key is properly installed, don't just slap in whatever is the cheapest, you'll end up buying new gear and wasting you money.

    buy a good set the first time. it might cost more than you may want to spend , but in the end it will be worth it.

    i can go on and on but i won't. lol.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2011