First Step...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Willy D, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Well.....started with the first step of install...

    Made a template for my amp mounting surface....I am gonna mount my two amps, two x-overs and distro on a board that I am gonna mount to the rear wall of my truck....I made a template of each end where it has to be cut to fit flush against the side mouldings of the plastic....Roughly I am gonna have a board that is 64.5" wide and 18" high...I plan to remove the existing carpet off the back wall, then on the sheet metal where it protrudes inward, I am gonna attach (glue w liquid nails)pieces of 1"x4" laying flat....I guestimate that the protrusions are 3/4", so that would give me 1.5" of airspace...There are 7 protrusions and I will probably glue the 1x4 on 4 of them..evenly spaced.....I will either carpet the board or paint it.....Before I mount it, I am gonna attatch the amps, x-overs and distro to it and wire everything that can be wired first...All the wiring is gonna run in the airspace and where they connect to the components I am gonna drill holes so they pop out from behind and connect so the wiring that is seen will be very minimal.....I gotta go down and buy the plywood (either 5/8" or 1/2" ply) and then trace the template and cut out....

    Once I cut it and fine tune the fit, I will figure my exact locations of the components and lay that all out......I will try to snap pictures along the way.

  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

  3. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Well...It aint much so far...but.....

    I took measurements on height and width and the guy down at Lowe's cut it for me....I made templates and cut around the two bottom side edges....I only got these two taken and the camera died....Along the top edge, I am gonna take the board home and bevel cut on my table saw...The trucks trim is angled and that is why the top and top edges are not tucked neatly in place.....Once I cut it with the table saw, I will fine tune even more to get it to fit....Kinda a pain to manuver this long piece over the seat and around all the trim to get it down in there......I think it is gonna look good in place...

    I will take more as I go......


  4. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    OK.....I am not a whole lot farther, but here is what I got so far....I got the board tweaked, cut sanded.....I just have it setting up raw on some stands. I layed out the two amps, x-overs, and distro.....Snapped some pics.....

    It is gonna be painted gray to match the interior.....small step, but at least a step further.....Holidays are over, so I need to buckle down....


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  5. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Thats going to be a work of art, just take you time. Thats the key to a really great install. You are obviously on your way.
  6. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    sweet, i'm going to copycat you step by step lol, i need to do this too, the so called professional shop i went to screwed my amp into the back of my kicker box and grounded it behind the back seats, they fold down. With a ground about 3 feet long lol, so i cant take the box out if i want. Needless to say it will be rewired, i don't like it, with a shorter ground and in the back left of my trunk on a board sideways!:D
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2007
  7. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    sweet progress man....keep it up
  8. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Well the amp rack board is painted and holes drilled into it for running the wires...Temporarily just set the componenets on top and snapped a few pics..

    here you go...


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  9. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Nice, Those amps look pretty descent, all that wattage in such a small space your going to be floating in the air as your driving from the sound waves lol.
    :) What is that small piece in the middle? Is that a power distribution block.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2007
  10. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Yeah....It is a distro.....I know I could have gotten by without it, but figured if I could have a nice distro, that would be cool and look cool...It has a digital volt and current readout...As much as I may dread it, my next step really is to take out the seats. I need to get that back seat out of there so I can replace the rear speakers...While I have the panels off for that, I am gonna try to put some dampening material on all the exposed sheet metal...While I do that, I need to pull frt. door panels off and get my speakers in the front doors and add dampening to the doors too....I need to upgrade my power wire and do the big three. I need to get all that wiring ran back to the back of the truck too.....

    I only have a couple problems....It is cold here and my garage is not heated...and.....This is my only vehicle so I need to drive it every day...I have had the Infinity's for over two years...Sitting in boxes....My current power wire and RCA's ar running neatly over the carpet to the amp which is sitting on the floor just behind my seat....

    So....I gotta get off my butt and just do it....I will be driving the truck around for a while all torn apart....That will be my motivation to get it done.

  11. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    I wanna see some pics of your big three....and I figured out that some of those digital volt readouts are really accurate like on capacitors and such.

    Yesterday i measured my friends voltage and it was 12.44 volts...the cap was showing 12.8 volts...bastard is rigged to make you THINK that your voltage isn't dropping as much haha

    And this is a 100 dollar STINGER capacitor also...another reason I hate caps
  12. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Nice, it will be worth it when your done, it should sound amazing. That rack board will probably help the sound too. I'm going to get a piece of wood tonight for mine, only a small piece. It's frigin freezing here too so outside worktime is limited lol.:)
  13. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    those doors can be buds 2000 1500 chevy has quick removeable speakers.we just popped them out of the "clip thing" and screwed them in.also added a gasket for the speaker.we didnt replace the factory tweet but it just pops out too.

    good luck.also those doors pop in and out very quick and easy.
  14. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Yeah....bout a year ago, I had the door panel off of the driver side to replace the inner door handle...I looked at the speakers...Looks like a piece of cake to change....The rear 4x6 will be a little more difficult...Gotta pull the rear upper trim off and the side trim pieces....They go all the way to the door frame....In order to get them off and out, I believe the rear seat has to come out...That means the front seats come out....and since I wanna put some sound deadener in place, I might as well just do it all at once....get it done. Then with all the seats out, it will make it easier to get the amp rack board in and in place/fine tuned....I am gonna mount the bass boost remote knob for the sub amp either in the ashtray or in a blank panel on the dash to the left of HU...Ashtray would be cool, cause I can flip it closed and it is totally out of sight....If I put it in the blank panel, I am gonna mount it in flush....

  15. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    My first step!! it's for the trunk on the drivers side. Will probably make two, one for each side. I used the cardboard for a rough template, I think I will have to make a test piece with some scrap wood to see more how it will end up fitting.:)

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  16. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Here are some pics of the speakers....

    I believe I had purchased these from crutchfield about 2 1/2 years ago....I JUST pulled them out of the plastic in the boxes


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  17. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member


    Kenwood.....for the sub

    Blaupunkt....Front stage....double bridged

    Rear fill will run off of HU


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  18. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    nice setup...i like those speakers. give you 20 bucks for em cuz they are open box items and they are used lol
  19. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member


    The speakers have a 1 year warranty.....ha ha ha ha

    I am starting to get excited bout gettin this stuff FINALLY in..

  20. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Here is my sub box for the truck.....


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