First....i wanna say...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Audio Nut, Aug 8, 2003.

  1. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    thanks guys for all your help...when i have a problem with car audio...i come here...because i8 know people are real...dont act like ur an idiot...and theres no bullshit...period...i like that...nice group of people that post here...i dont post much because im working on making beats now....promoting myself...doing songs...and it really seems like im getting dicked around with this independant label...but thats another story....speaking of which...if anyone here wants a cd of mine...for themself or someone they know...please let me know...i need all the exposure i can get.... gonna assume this whole thing about my alternator gonna get the wires upgraded sunday...

    after thinking about stepping up to a brahma...all i know is that itll take 1500 rms....and sandt raves about it slams...and it has great my question is...what kinda box u got it in??? can someone give me some info about it...IF i can find it still the old style audiobahn amp i have....maybe feed it....2400 watts...(after reading topics on termpro...people say it can handle it...)

    sandt...what kind of box do you have yours in??? and if i was to give it 2400 watts....would i need to upgrade my power wire to 0 guage and get plexiglass for my windows so they dont shatter???

    just looking into the far future...but it maybe sooner than i think...i dunno...just asking questions...:)

    thanks for everything guys
  2. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    What type of music do you produce/make/play/sing (lol dont know what to call and dont wanna offen anyone:p )

    Is it recorded good?

    And can I download it off of kazza :p lol JP ;) (Kazza is terrible)
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    The amp puts out 2400 at what load? I know there are guys running gobs of power to their Brahma, 2400 and then some, but it is not for me. Personally I think 1500 may be a bit much (which is why I am considering the duals at 900 apiece), but the woofer takes it easily.

    Personally, I got it in 1.9 feet tuned to 24 (actually 23.5 Hz). I have had it in 2.5 feet sealed seeing 425, 3 feet tuned to ~37Hz (very briefly) .83 feet, 1.2 feet, and ~.65 feet. I liked it best in 1.2 feet, with comfortable headroom. It was on my Z7000 (benched at 1700 WRMS) with conservatively set gains. The critically dampened (2.5 feet isn't quite critical dampening, but close enough) was rather flat (boring and drab sounding overall) and peaked at the vehicles resonance, requireing EQ work. The .83 was very nice but I wanted more down low, and the 1.2 was the best overall for SQ (from my perspective). The SPL box was almost scary, and the 1.9 is really an amazing piece.

    The thing metered 144.6 from the trunk (granted, it was in a worked install, just for metering) in .65 sealed (after displacement). Daily, it was hitting maybe 140-142. Ported, I would guess daily at ~145, but if it was set up I should see ~147-148. Does it slam? Yes. Does it sound good? IMHO there is no real comparison. It is so transparent you wonder if it is there, then it moves the earth. It is crushing, in a relaxed way. I cant think of how to explain it. If you want a punchy woofer, the B12 and 15 may not be for you. It is very laid back. I might consider a W7, IDMax or 12A if a punchy woofer is what you want. To me, a punchy woofer is audibly fatiguing, and with my Kodas, I cross so low as to not worry much about midbass punch from my woofer ;)

    with that massive power, I am suggesting ported. About 1.5 feet tuned low, 22-24Hz. Set the subsonic high (about 30Hz) as unloading the woofer with that power is a major concern.
  4. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    We're starting to agree more and more every day Seth :). I agree with that 100%, however, i believe in the right box a w7 can be made to sound very similar to a brahma (warm, deeper sound, instead of quick and punchy).

    The nice thing about the Brahma is that it does work well in that .65 cu ft enclosure Seth had it in. That's the only box i've heard it in aside from one of the ported enclosures, but i haven't found a ported box i liked yet, so naturally i preferred the .65 sealed. Anyway, it sounded pretty good in that small of a box, and for a 12" sub of any type that size enclosure is unheard of. I don't personally know of any other sub that will sound good in that small of a box...none of the superwoofers for sure.