Erratic Palpitations Of The Human Spirit

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Steven Kephart, Jul 11, 2004.

  1. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Well I woke up to someone knocking on my door. It was a neighbor letting me know my car was broken into; again. :ranting:

    Recently I remembered that I took out my shock sensor in my alarm because I thought it was causing a problem. It turned out to be another item, but I had never put the shock sensor back in. Well yesterday while I was waiting for the resin to cure for the Porsche's sub enclosure, I decided to put the shock sensor back in. I noticed it was a little to sensitive, and I was planning on adjusting it today when I had the alarm manual. Well last night my alarm went off. Thinking it was caused by the insensitive alarm, I just canceled the alarm. The alarm was still armed though. Well apparently the alarm going off was from them breaking the window; same rear quarter glass as before. Oddly enough they ignored the Snap On multimeter, pulled down the rear seat and grabbed the Soundstream amplifier mounted on it. Luckily it was a refurbished amplifier I payed $200 for, 6 years ago. So the loss wasn't that huge this time. They also broke one of the Koda crossovers, but that can be easily replaced.

    Because of them going for a hidden amplifier, I'm thinking it was the same people who broke into my car last time. In that instance they got into the hatch, so they knew the amplifier was there. They were probably hoping for the ARC amp, but that was originally mounted on the other side, and right now is out of the car for warranty repair. Also, since I replaced the head unit, I have been anal about removing the face plate. Because of this, the face plate and thumber remote (it's removable too) were in the apartment with me.

    Well, my lesson is learned. I have the subwoofer out of the vehicle (behind me as I type this), and am working on a system to bolt it down permanently with security screws. I had a metal ring 3/8" thick machined to mount into my enclosure. So I will make sure it will be impossible to take the sub. At that point I will only have to worry about damage, but that can be taken care of inexpensively now. The head unit will be mounted in pieces to make theft impossible as well. I will have to come up with a secure way to mount the amplifiers as well. I'm really not too concerned with the amplifier they stole as I was planning on replacing it soon anyway and it doesn't have much resale value. But the window is expensive, and I really don't have the money for the $100 deductible right now. Plus I don't want to have to make insurance claims every couple months.

    Anyway, I'm done ranting. I guess the price of having such an awesome job up in a big city is that I can't have a good stereo system installed in my car. :(

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  2. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    That sucks man. :( I'd probably start crying if that happened to me.
  3. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    That's why my upcoming install is going to be pretty friggin' stealth. Comps in doors (like they are now), downfiring sub enclosure the length of the ext. cab area of my truck, and the amp(s) behind the fold down jumpseats (on the sides of the truck)...which won't fold down unless I remove the enclosure. A stealth hu install...still working on that. I need it to still be within the range of the remote control while still retaining the capability of being "hidden" when I'm not in the truck. Might just take the faceplate of my stock hu and do the old "velcro the old face over the new" trick to fool them. Thankfully, I don't bump my system, work on it in public, or brag about few people know I actually have one.

    But, I live in L.A., so a break in, even without theft, is still possible.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    another lesson learned should have been to never just "cancell" the alarm with out investigation ;) :p
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    You know how those crazy SPL guys have the 1" thick Lexan windshields?
    I'm thinking you might be wise to invest in a Lexan set of rear side windows... :p

    Sorry to joke - I really do sympathise with your situation, nothing sucks more, and what's worse is the feeling of victimization, that you can't do much to avoid it...:(
  6. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    I have a buddy here who got robbed, big time. 1 month later the fuckers busted in again. I remember his behavior when he called me on the phone, and his comment... "I have never felt so fucking violated"

    We need to begin the practice of cutting the hands off of theives in our country... It works well in the middle east.
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    it would never work

    even if the punishment would get by with out being "unusal" can declared illegal in the consitution, they would die of old age in a jail cell before the sentence was carried out...

    the problem is not the punshiment now, is the lack of a "justice" system all together....
  8. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Actually I think you have a good idea. After a couple more times it might be worth it.

    I'm also thinking of buying a cheap VCR and small camera. That way when my alarm goes off, the VCR starts recording and catches video of the "perps" (I can think of quite a few other choice names). At least I know which window to point it toward.
  9. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    I know how you feel... My cars have been broken into many times... I've had about 5-6 claims over the years...
  10. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    I am sorry to hear about that Steven - that is a horrible feeling for sure. People breaking into others' cars/homes pisses me off to no end. There is something about having total disregard for others' property that infuriates me. I had some douchbag(s) try to pry off my driver side door handle to break into my car once, and I had all stock stereo equipment. I have had my cd case stolen and the inside of my car vandalized. It really sucks.

    If you have ever seen Pulp Fiction, there is a scene where Vincent Vega is getting some heroin and he says to the dealer "It would be worth them doing it just to catch them." I agree - I would LOVE to catch someone break into my car/home so I could use the rights given to me by Texas to protect my property.
  11. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    That's one great thing about Texas. Comedian Ron White was talking about how if there were more than 5 witnesses to your crime, Texas is eliminating the appeals process for people on death row. He said: "Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty. Mine is putting in an express lane." :lmfao:

    It is sad though to hear how many people here have gone through this as well. I agree with Michael that crime would be greatly lessened if we had much stricter punnishments.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  12. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Well I dealt with the insurance today. They were awesome this time. Because of the last break-in and nothing being covered, I added $1000 stereo coverage. The guy gave me what I payed for the amplifier I bought 6 years ago, plus full price for the Koda crossover which got broken (even though I can replace it REALLY cheap). Then he asked me if they took anything else like wiring. So I mentioned the piece of wire that broke the terminal on the crossover went with the amplifier. But I said it was dirt cheap wire I got for free at the shop I worked at. But even still, he gave me $25 for the wire. Then he asked how long it would take to re-install the equipment. I told him at the most 30 minutes. He gave me $100 for the laybor. So this time I made out like a bandit. It still doesn't cover what I lost last time, but it helps.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  13. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    Good stuff there dude, glad to hear it...
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    that is what you tell him you has to orginal Human Regian (sp?) in there... $100,000 CHING B) :p :p