
Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by dmo74, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. dmo74

    dmo74 Full Member

    What are some important things to look for in a quality equalizer?
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    well, first, remember this....an EQ is basically a band ad for lack of quality in components, lack of thought process in the installation of components, and at times, a real life saver when you need a good smooth response curve!!!!!

    What I would look for in a EQ is a parametric model, one that you can infinitly vary the center frequency. Also an adjustable "Q"......those are two VERY important features I would want in one. As far as bands, or amount of center frequencies, i would say 5 would be plenty for most day to day users.....cause once it is set, it really wont be played with much.... i would also look for a good signal to noise ratio, and also adjustable gains on it, which not all do, but anint a bad thing.......

    If your looking for a more standerd EQ, like the ones with all the neat little sliders that go up and down and are fun to make look like an ocean wave, get one with as many center frequncies as possible, cause i guarantee you son, you aint gunna have enough !!!!!!!!!!

    Now if your looking for a third octave EQ, thats 31 boost and cut frequncies, thats the way to go!!!!!!

    I have many other thoughts on an EQ of any type, wha EXACTLY is your intention with it? SQ, crappy speakers, more bass, nasty midbass peak that you cant kill?????????
  3. dmo74

    dmo74 Full Member

    SQ with a little added bass