Enough about Brahma already

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by JSGolf, Oct 23, 2002.

  1. JSGolf

    JSGolf New Member

    Don't you think that more people who compete would use the Brahma equipment if it was all that good?

    Last edited by JSGolf at Oct 23 2002, 05:36 PM
  2. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member



    most(not all) competitions are being sponsored by companies. ie kicker. jlaudio etc.

    so being how brahma is originaly a home stereo sub, they would not have a way of sponsorship. i you watch closly you will see brahmas showing up at competitions.


  3. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I thought the Brahma was designed for car audio... I know the tempests and shivas were designed for home audio. Judging by how small of a box the Brahma works in, i'd say its gotta be a car audio design... Just my .02.
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Correct Chris.

    The Brahma is Adire's first CA designated woofer.


    The Brahma has been around for less than a year, and has little advertisement at competitions. I'm sure with guys like Scottie Johnson pulling down 4th at IASCA World Finals we will be seeing more of the Brahma in the lanes. That is 4th, with a SQ designed subwoofer. Also, with RC having put 32,000 yes, that is 32,000 watts to 1 Brahma before any audible stress was detected, we may just see more of the beasts being used. Keep your eyes open, I hear Ma is ready to use Brahmas... Just kidding ;)
  5. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member


    I'd be careful throwing around that 32kW statistic...too many people are pushing these subs too hard as it is.
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member


    most of the big boys have STORE sponsorships

    and the small reginal comps are mainly SELF funded

    there are not that many Manufacfture Sponsored people

    the ones that are though are normally at the top for a reason,

    that reason is, you have to be GOOD to get a full ride with a manufacturer, they dont give them out like candy
  7. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    and god spoke.....

    i stand corrected.

    sorry for my usless .02 :unsure:
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Their not pushing them too hard, they are pushing them incorrectly ;)

    I beat the fuck out of mine, daily, for prolonged periods of time (my new house is a long drive away from work) listening to MUSIC at a correctly installed and set system. Hey, if you're gonna push anything incorrectly it will come apart... That is the trick. Do it right, or you screwed yourself.
  9. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Most of the music you listen to isn't bass-heavy though. Rarely ever do i truly push my subs, and i listen to music quite loud all day everyday...but i, like you, don't listen to bass-heavy music all the time. If you listened to gansta rap all day every day and full volume, and that thing didn't blow, then we'd be gettin somewhere :).

    Last edited by BlkX at Oct 24 2002, 01:38 AM
  10. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    gangsta rap? what if it were urban rap? LOL yeah i agree... i compare <poosh> what nigga what <poosh> compared to sandt music <ding ding> im a barbie girl <ding ding>
  11. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    Their not pushing them too hard, they are pushing them incorrectly ;)

    I beat the fuck out of mine, daily, for prolonged periods of time (my new house is a long drive away from work) listening to MUSIC at a correctly installed and set system. Hey, if you're gonna push anything incorrectly it will come apart... That is the trick. Do it right, or you screwed yourself.[/b][/quote]
    Agreed. Especially people using the JBL 1200.1 aka "Sub Killa." Seems the dials don't match up right and people are jacking the gain too high and clipping the shit out of the amps. Which means lots of tough power for the Brahma and other subs to handle.

    I was talking to Ben Milne of ED on AIM, and he mentioned that the only confirmed cases of ED subs being blown resulted from subs being pushed by 1200.1's...
  12. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Agreed. Especially people using the JBL 1200.1 aka "Sub Killa." Seems the dials don't match up right and people are jacking the gain too high and clipping the shit out of the amps. Which means lots of tough power for the Brahma and other subs to handle.

    I was talking to Ben Milne of ED on AIM, and he mentioned that the only confirmed cases of ED subs being blown resulted from subs being pushed by 1200.1's...[/b][/quote]
    There are a million of the JBL 1200.1's out there. The more people that have them the more "incedents" there are going to be!

    I personally dont think that a certain sub is going to blow JUST becasue you ran it on a JBL 1200.1. :bs:

    It would have to be setup improperly. I would love to see a properly setup 1200.1 blow an ED sub....
  13. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    As to the ED's only being blown by 1200.1s, I have a hard time with that. I know of 1 failure using less than the recomended power level, from a PG amp. It is typically in how you set it up. And I assure you, the PG was correctly set up with an O-scope, at peak impedance levels ;) . It is NOT a thermal failure either, it is totaly, obviously, a mechanical failure.


    I agree to a certain extent. While yes, there are ALOT of the 1200.1s out there, you need to factor in another important point here. As cheap as that high powered an amp as it is, I am sure many out there installing it, are the individual consumer. Why? Cost. It is cheap and high powered. Cost conscience consumers are typically the DIYer ;) . (This is the same problem as the Brahma failures, IMHO, most are DIYers with little knowledge as to the hows and whys, as well as the proper equipment to perform such a high end install.) Couple that with the tremendous power, that is heftily underrated, and you can see the possible reasons for failure!!!

    I have installed a 1200.1 on some E15Ks, and I know what he listens to. If they are holding up, I can't say it is the amps fault as much as the installers (in the scenario of blown woofers.

    Make sense?
  14. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    It's possible there have been more, but this was a little while ago that Ben told me this.

    Irregardless, there definitely are a TON of 1200.1's out there, and a lot of inexperienced users have them. This, combined with the way the dials line up, is going to lead to a number of USER errors that cause subs to blow. That was all I'm saying. I wasn't trying to say it's a bad amp; it's a hell of a lot of power for the money, that's for sure.
  15. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    There are a million of the JBL 1200.1's out there. The more people that have them the more "incedents" there are going to be!

    I personally dont think that a certain sub is going to blow JUST becasue you ran it on a JBL 1200.1. :bs:

    It would have to be setup improperly. I would love to see a properly setup 1200.1 blow an ED sub....[/b][/quote]
    That's my point...considering how many people have them (and especially how many newbies) there are going to be a lot that are setup improperly, and being a ballsy amp, it's going to be able to do some "damage."
  16. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member


    most of the big boys have STORE sponsorships

    and the small reginal comps are mainly SELF funded

    there are not that many Manufacfture Sponsored people

    the ones that are though are normally at the top for a reason,

    that reason is, you have to be GOOD to get a full ride with a manufacturer, they dont give them out like candy[/b][/quote]

    Local shops sponsor local competitors...

    But local shops don't carry Adire...

    Therein lies the essence of jstutman's argument.

    It's also a matter of market penetration...
    Adire accounts for I am sure a minute fraction of a percentage of car audio sales, compared to a JL or a Kicker or an Alpine, etc...

    It's like my trying to go out and audition CDT components when I was shopping around for a new set of front stage drivers...
    I simply couldn't do it, not enough dealers, none in my area specifically!
  17. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    aww so have you heard the cdt's? i have heard about them and was seriously thinking about purchasing. let em know your opinion.
  18. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Just a side note on the JBL 1200.1.....

    The amp in itself, as far as I can tell, is not anything out of the ordinary as far as ti being a "sub killer" The main problem lies in the xover and gain that goes around more than once...I can see how that could cause major probelms for someone who is inexperienced...

    Now..if you just THINK for a few seconds before setting up the amp...it's not going to give you any problems...granted you know to use test tones to set the gains properly etc etc....but...as can be seen in our lovley little friend liljpw16...the typical younger car audio enthusiest doesn't exactly have the capacity to "think before you act" ;) Which, due to the small price tag and high performance is usualy the choice of high school kids on a budget lookin for the big boom... So....I can see how the JBL has gotten a bad rap....It doesn't particuarly deserve it...they really should think about redesigning the gains however...
  19. DanWiggins

    DanWiggins Full Member

    Just wanted to add... We are small, but we have earned quite a few accolades and interest in less than 1 year, with the Brahma:

    - TN State SPL Pro Street 1 Champion
    - TN State Stock SQ Champion
    - IN State SPL Pro Street 2 Champion (State Record set)
    - IN State Stock SQ Champion (RTA Score Record set)
    - 4th place, IASCA World Finals, Advanced 1441 SPL
    - SLAP dBQ Pro Street 601 World Champion

    That last is the one I'm most proud of (so far). Bob Beatty is the SLAP World SQ champion, and he did it with a Brahma. Now, Bob is also the manager of a large Tweeter store. He can get W7s, ID Maxes, L7s, and a dozen other subs for free or nearly free. He chose to buy a Brahma, and run with that. And won with that. When the manager of one of the largest electronics chains in the nation chooses to run your gear over stuff he can get for much lower cost, and goes and wins a world championship, that says something...;)

    MECA World Finals will probably bring a few more SPL and SQ high finishes or championships as well. Not too bad to have a driver winning in SQ and SPL!

    Dan Wiggins
    Adire Audio
  20. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Not trying to take away from that impressive list of accolades here Dan, but I just want to say, it deserves all the hype. I have yet to have someone sit down in my car and be unimpressed. I like to freshen their ears with a little simple rock song (3 Doors Down, Tantric, Stained), with the drumming in the seat of their pants. Then I throw in a little Bass Mekanik (Sonic Overload Music CD, track 10, and follow it up with SO SPL CD, tracks 11&12). After I am done leaving their eyeballs splattered against my windshield, I like to put in some quick kickdrums from Panterra (Becoming), and Tool (Hooker with a Penis, if your sub can keep up with this track while pounding your whole body to tiny pieces, you have a Brahma or a W7 :D ). I have yet to see anyone walk away saying "that's nice". Usually they leave with their eye's wide open and their mouths the same, unable to mutter a word.

    Loud, and music friendly. That's what a Brahma is all about.