I don't know if any of you have tried this. It's kinda interesting.. I went on to the Re audio site and found the RE enclosure calculator. I was messing around with it and put some box dimensions in it. this is what i put" Box width: 49" Box height: 14" Box Depth: 20" Thickness: 0.75 Square port width: 6" Square port Length 2: 9" Comes out that the box would be: 4.958 cu. ft. tuned at 32.2589hz Thought it's pretty cool. It even gives you the cut sheets. I wonder if it's accurate. It doesn't say anything about bracing though... Anyhow, here's the link: RE Enclosure Calculator
Im having a lot of fun toying around with it. oh, it doesn't give you a cut sheet it gives you the measurements for the cuts. Same thing actually, just wondering if anybody knows it the computations that this program does is correct.
Just wondering if anybody would know if this would be ok for my kicker L5 15". I'm just trying to learn. box width: 49" Box height: 14" Box depth: 20" Port width: 6" Port length: 6" Box volume: 5.03 cu ft. tuned Freq: 33.135hz
I would do 6.0 cubic feet or a bit more, that's minimum recommended from kicker for deep bass ported 6.0 ft3 (170L) + port displacement 3.5 x 16.25” (8.9x41cm) port, 13.75” (35cm) long Power Handling = 750W RMS http://www.kicker.com/06/tech-support/manuals/manuals/2006/2006%20L5%20Sub%20c01%20WEB.pdf
I think 6 cubes is the max required VentedSPL/Deep Bass. For the max of 6 cu ft. here's what i got: box width: 49" Box height: 15" Box depth: 23" Port width: 7.5" Square port length 1: 14.75" Suare Port length 2: 6" total port length: 32.75" Box volume: 6.051 cu ft. tuned Freq: 33.133hz
exactly how deep is deep? mine hits some deep notes and its a small box. is that for super LOUD ASS deep bass?
I just assume keeping it at 5 cubes which Azn recommended. When azn designed the box for me i wasn't thinking of the false floor (stupid me) which means the vent will be hitting the false floor. That's why i'm TRYING to figure out if i tune it at 33hz with a height of only 14" and a width of the whole 49" so i could possible put the box on the false floor. I think this may be right. box width: 49" box height: 14" box Depth: 20" wood thickness: 0.75" square port height: 12.5" square port width: 6" square port length 2: 6.0" total port length: 29" square port area: 75 Square port volume internal: 2175 box volume (ft3): 5.09 tuned frequency (Fb): 33.135hz Again, i'm just giving it a shot with that calculator i found on the RE audio site. EDIT:: it's not right, i don't have the correct depth to get the woofer in with regards to the depth of the port. Sh*t!! gotta figure this out.
I think i got it now.... BOX WIDTH:: 40.0 BOX HEIGHT:: 14.0 BOX TOP DEPTH:: 25.5 BOX BOTTOM DEPTH:: 25.5 WOOD THICKNESS:: 0.75 SQUARE PORT HEIGHT:: 12.5 SQUARE PORT WIDTH:: 6.75 SQUARE PORT LENGTH 1:: 18.0 SQUARE PORT LENGTH 2:: 5.0 TOTAL PORT LENGTH:: 33.875 SQUARE PORT DIAMETER:: 10.36482448 SQUARE PORT AREA:: 84.375 SQUARE PORT VOL INT:: 2858.203125 SQUARE PORT VOL DISPLACED:: 2874.890625 BOX VOLUME (Ft3):: 5.02 BOX VOLUME (In3):: 8675.109375 TUNED FREQUENCY (Fb):: 33.0440409861915
yes that's for extra heavy duty super extreme loud ass bass lol, actually i just copied it from their manual for that sub. 5.0 should be plenty.
I heard it isn't very accurate. I wouldn't use it. If you really want to learn how to the ported boxes use this link: Pencil and Paper 101 - Realm of Excursion: Forum