
Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    anyone know the story there, I was left out of the loop as usual, no one tell me anything anymore :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

    no body loves, :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby:

    I have seen some of the biggest ED supports from the past now Dogging on them JLaine being one of them.....

    what the hell happened
  2. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    I think it had something to do with eD leaving SIn's forums... it happened pretty much unexpectedly...
  3. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    I don't know any of the details, and frankly, don't care much. I like jlaine, for the most part, but there are a few guys that seem to ride his coattails and say/think what he says/thinks. I guess everyone has a few puppy dogs...It appears as if ED and SI.n/Josh seperated on not so nice terms.
  4. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Phew! just got back from reading those posts at caraudio.com... take what you will from them... but it's much more than the 'forum' thing. The links are in the CAF post...
  5. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    Just finished reading it, too. Like a damn soap opera over there. Oh well. I've owned 2 ed products. Loved them both. No problems. Dealings with Ben, though very limited, have always been pleasant. I'm walking away from that thread feeling indifferent. If I had die hard brand loyalty, I might feel let down, betrayed, pissed...at either side arguing. However, my personal opinion on ED is based solely on my experience, which has been good.

  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    post links here if you can.. I cant find them on CAF, tring to find anything in the middle of the children is hard
  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    Hahahahaha. Funny shit there.

  8. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

  9. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I don't know dude, a picture is worth a thousand words, and I saw several pictures there.
  10. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    indeed they are, but i would also like some more info to go along with these pics. not neccassarly for me, but for the general public.

    i would like josh to lay it out instead of name calling, because as of the present moment, it's just baseless slander.
  11. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    my fingers hurt =(
  12. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    just so you know, i am not going to argue with anyone here

    this is where i come to 'get away' from it all :D
  13. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    As someone who has not bought a sub in 7 years, seeing threads and posts like that affect people like me the most. I have not ever bought an eD sub or product and have never heard one, so my perception of eD's subs can be somewhat tarnished. I know I will have to buy another sub someday and seeing things that are seemingly factual (about the delays, the defective products, etc) don't place eD as a #1 choice for me.

    In comparison, I don't hear the same things about ID, RE, Adire, etc - sure, we all hear a few complaints here and there, but nothing like what eD is having to deal with. I am not bashing eD in any way, but merely giving my perspective on the whole issue.
  14. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Mr. l337 intarweb haX0r... Links were in the first few posts on the thread that you posted in twice! :lol: :p
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    you dont have to worry about that, we have moderators and very good ones ;)

    however I would like to discuss the FACTS...

    As everyone is well aware I dont give a shit about brands,

    if a Company is doing something wrong, I want it out there, no matter who it "offends" ;) I still have many many people that hate me because of that policy, but ohhhhhh wellllllll B)
  16. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    definatly michael, my whole reason for jumping in that thread was not to defend eD. what i would like to see are some facts to back up thier claims. they throw their words around, claim to have all of the info, but nothing to back it up. Loyd threw out some pics, and i know he has had some bad experience with the old k series. also, i would be an idiot to say there wasn't any issues with the flat cone A.

    josh seems to follow these threads very closely, if not instigating them from the get go. never has he layed down any facts except "i know, you don't". when you question him about something, all he does is give you the run around and twist the facts.

    i have an opinion, not that it matters....

    Ben pissed off some people, it actually seems to be more personal than business. these people very much want to make him look bad. the new line of products coming out are going to be pretty solid, and remain around for a while. Ben made mistakes in the past, and he would be foolish to once again go down that road, especially since this may be his last chance for things to get on the track they belong. once product comes off preorder, once things are working properly for eD, there won't be too many derogatory things to say. the new line of products will speak for themselves once in the hand of the consumers. right now, on the eve of the new products, is the only time anybody with a grudge against Ben will have a chance to try and make it stick.

    thats just my honest $.02
  17. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    just so everyone knows...

    i will conduct no eD business on this forum. the views posted here are my own and nobody elses ;)
  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    see I dont know what alot of the people problem is

    I see alot of the stuff about how they left people "out in he cold" I guess I should be one of the ones holding a person grudge since I was one of the orginal Online Dealers that Got dropped with no warning when he decided to go direct... I guess I should go around saying he cause my Business to collapse :rolleyes:

    Josh has some on here and flamed people for speaking out against ED, not Ben Creates his own site and he is against them????

    eD is not infalible.. and there have been mistakes but jeeze

    I guess certin manufacturers can make mistakes and other cant..

    atleast from what I have seen ED does admit to its errors, unlike some others
  19. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I have issues with Ben, and his treatment of others. I'll make no bullshit about it. I have said many times to my friends and on the forums, my opinion is he is a money grubbing, lying, bullshit artist.

    Too many people have been left high and dry waiting for their A's to be replaced. Too many people have waited too long for their new high dollar driver and recieved a broken driver and had to wait. Too many people had to pay return shipping and repairs for what was a common problem, and not a user error issue. Too long, and too often.

    I found Josh Gull's input on page 13 particularly disapointing. The post about the amp he got screwed for. This was the dude's friend. How in God's name can a person fuck their friend like that? I work with a guy who has a friend who screws him like that all the time. I don't even like this guy, but I still don't screw him like that. I don't understand why a person would do that to anyone, much less a friend :( . I like Josh G, he is an honest dude. He has always proven to be respectful and respectable. Seeing his post about how Ben screwed him infuriated me.

    All I have to say is, I called alot of this stuff a long time ago. Things will continue on, untill another batch of guys get shafted. I hate this for our guys here who are Ed Reps. I like you guys, and the thought of you guys getting screwed infuriates me even more.

    End rant.

    I'll leave this alone from now on out, but I must say I will never utter a good word for Ed again.
  20. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    By calling user error and pointing fingers at the buildhouses?

    Bullshit Mike.