Ebay Scammed Me Again!!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by _gonz_, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    Dammit Mike,

    you're right. :boxing:

    I just blew $300 on eGay.

    for around $1000 worth of Cadence kit.

    Factory direct.

    with warranty of 1 year, also factory direct.

    i got owned. :bye:
  2. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    What did you get?

    Also, did you get that stuff I sent you?
  3. objext

    objext Full Member

    I'm on ebay, and I'm trustworthy :)
  4. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    Yep, theres a few guys i know, who sell occasional items on eBay... and they would'nt screw anyone. That's kinda what i'm trying to get across here. INDOaudio may be a HORRIBLE example of an ebay seller... theres alot like him out there...

    thing is, you can get just as screwed at online stores. TheZEB for example, screwed a friend around quite bad.

    you can also get just as screwed locally. Bestbuy has given many ppl the shaft. So has circuit shitty. I won't even mention some of our local "car audio shops".

    I was pretty carefull with my purchase... thinking it was definitely gray-market goods. Communication was difficult, to the point i was thinking "i'm trying to throw alot of money at this guy who wont reply, i'll just accept my first NPB and negative feedback, and fuck this whole thing."

    Communication got "working"... and we came to an agreement for the two items i won, and some other stuff, done off ebay. I took a chance.

    Paypal was confirmed as "Cadence Sound Systems". Shipping boxes were printed with Cadence logos. Everything is from the same city as Cadence... therefore, must be Cadence directly.

    Yes, my amps are refurbished. Factory refurbished. Actually the description was that "they may be new, but returned distributor overstock". They are truly beautiful, look mint, with boxes and paperwork plus 2yr. warranty.

    Also purchased was a home theater set, and 6.5" components. These are new not refurbished, also with great warranty coverage.

    I purchased:

    XLN-7 HT set http://www.cadencesound.com/Theater/reviews.html
    Mine are'nt on the site (yet?) they have wooden cabinets.

    ZXN6K 6.5" Neodymium Kit MSRP $359.00 (MAP)
    Cast Aluminum Frame, External 18dB Zobel Crossovers, Bullet Phasing Plugs,
    Electro-Luminescent cones, 1 inch Titanium Dome Ferro-Fluid Cooled Neo Tweeters


    two Q300 amplifiers

    2 x 100W@ 4 ohms, 2 x 150W @ 2 ohms, 1 x 300W @ 4 ohm Mono bridged, 1 x 400W dynamic peak, 12db Butterworth LP and HP Crossover.

    As for original pricing on the HT set and amps, i just don't know what it is. The amps feature the same specs as the Q3000, but are older and different, and apparently cost more. I consider myself lucky to have found these.

    The HT speakers are beautiful sounding, crisp, clean and extremely detailed. I'm still breaking them in, but so far i'm pretty impressed, especially for the price.

    $69 per amp, $60 for the HT, $79 for the comps, and $20 to UPS (75Lbs) which by the way, went out the same day. Paid Friday, recieved Tuesday. Fuckin' A!

    So yeah... i coulda got myself shafted on this deal... but i would have taken it up with paypal, and if that got me nowhere, then i'd go to the CC company. I looked at the guys feedback which was pretty much impeccable... i conversed in email with him, and all went well.

    And in closing...
    Not everything nor everyone on eBay is a scam/scammer.
    I'm really glad both Seth and Chris talked so much about Cadence products, because damn, this stuff is Nice. Much more than i expected, worth full price IMO. And also thanks to Chris, for bringing the whole thing to my attention... none of it would have happened without his PM to alert me.

    Hey Tex, ygpm bro.
  5. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Damn dude, that's a lot of equipment for $300. How did you come across that?
  6. explicit6486

    explicit6486 Full Member

    gonz- I got owned by Ebay as well..

    I got my Rockford Fosgate 1501bd amp with a three year warranty for half thecost of the MSRP of $1000. B)
  7. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    well, it should have cost me more by all rights.

    however, like i said...once i got communication going, i bitched about his lack of, then proceeded to wheel n' deal.

    I told the guy i want this, this, and that... and he came at me with some stupid price, i said are you fuckin' nuts? he came back with new prices, much better. SOLD.

    how can you get expensive shit for not so much? right place, right time, right situation perhaps? patience, watching, and holding out for better, is the best way to shop. And never hesitate to make an offer, if the first guy won't accept it, 50/50 chance the next guy will.

    I got lucky, this time... theres no question.
    next time i may get the shaft?
  8. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

    Although I have never done this myself, I would say take them Q300's and bridge em both to the comps. 1 amp per side. And let us know how it sounds.
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I want you to show me where Cadence the COMPANY sold you the Stuff???

    Not a cadence employee selling stuff "out the back door"

    not a cadence Dealer selling stuff Sideways

    etc etc

    Anything Less than Cadence the company, fully authorized ebay sale. is a scam in some why, maybe you did not get scammed, but Cadence as a Whole did, the Local Dealers did, and the Car Audio Maket Did

    Understand that Ebay, and the Low Prices, in the Grand Scheme of things hurts ALL of us... the less money dealers make, the Less money manufacturers make, which causes them to go out of business which in turns means no products at all!!!!
  10. objext

    objext Full Member

    You've GOT to be a democrat :lmfao:
  11. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    Call me crazy, but the UPS info on my packages is:

    Cadence Sound Systems
    6519 Highway 9 North
    Howell, New Jersey 07731

    You'll note:


    it's a match.

    In fact, it all matches up, even the shipping boxes...
    who'd bother printing "Cadence" on their cardboard? Aside from Cadence themselves.

    These are'nt "current product lines" anyhow, so i think it's all moot as to dealers getting screwed... they can't get lowballed on products they are'nt selling to begin with.
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member


    How do you figure that???

    if anything my post would be considered more Republican since it is geared more toward business.....

    In reality I am niether Repblican nor Democrat, I hate politcal parites, but if I had to choose on the Libertarian party would be the closest match to my Views.

    Show me where anything I said is false??????

    It is simple Economics... People wondre why the Orions, SoundStreams, PPI's, ADS's , Hifonics's, Alphasonic's, etc ect go under or get bought out. it aint because the CEO came in one day and said "Lets all go home" that is for sure
  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    nice to see the TRUTH finally Emerges

    Why not Post the ALL the info from the begining???

    the fact that it is discontinued make ALL THE DIFFERANCE ;)
  14. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    wtf? i gave model numbers and further stated i dont know MSRP on anything but components... which are actually still current :p

    like i said, i bought Q300s, comparable to the current Q3000s
    truth is more evident upon reading thoroughly :detective:

    did you even catch the part where i said the amps are factory refurbished? probly not.

    like ANY of this makes any difference to me?
    Besides the fact that i can now afford a high end HU thru unauthorized channels :p
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    what was the point of posting the damn thread then

    I have always said everything sold on ebay is Grey Market -- Which yours is

    the fact they were your one of the .00000000001% that bought grey market goods willing does not make it a "rule" so I really fail to see the point of starting this thread to begin with?

    you take one quote from one thread of which I had talked about a subject matter over several days,

    you take that quote out of Context and post it in a New Thread for What Purpose?, to some how Discredit me? :rolleyes: :lmfao: :lmfao:

    You have a Bright Future in "news" reporting, as that is all they know how to do, twist the fact in their favor ;)
  16. explicit6486

    explicit6486 Full Member

    I like the way you think. I'd agree 100%- just watch O'Reily on Fox News... "The Spin Stops Here"...

    Check this out.... The guy is VERY opinionated about mr. O'Reily.. could be offensive to some people.. so click if you wish...

    :eek:t: :ban: :lol:

    And to think I actually enjoy watching the show... :blush:
  17. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    the point of this thread was that not everything on ebay is a scam.
    i hate ebay, really i do, but with some precaution and carefull shopping, it can be a valuable tool.

    trying to negate some of your negativity with some of my positivity.

    or "Spin it", as some might say.
  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    the "no spin zone" has more spin than a Merrry-go-round at recess ;) :p
  19. explicit6486

    explicit6486 Full Member

    yea, he's pretty persuasive though. just watch the show, and find yourself subconsciously thinking ultra-conservatively... he's like svengali!
  20. TheSSG

    TheSSG Full Member

    o'Reilly is such a joke, I hate that "The Spin stops here." He's on Foxs News for crying out loud. The Spin Stops here, sure Bill.

    He had a special on Fox, topic was Vegetarianism. He has Economists, Cattle Ranchers, etc for the "Pro-irresponsible needless environmental degradation and murder" side [I'm not biased, I swear! The Spin stops here!] And, defending Vegetarianism? That's right folks...a Playboy Bunny. Wow, what an intellectual, hard-hitting, productive debate. To my disgust, and amusement, she was able to muster a pathetic defense, "But Animals are cute!" YAY! Great argument!

    But, luckily the Spin stops with O'Reilly.

    He's a Jackass. He's on Fox News, he CONSTANTLY brags about his high ratings. Add this up, and it SCREAMS sensationalism/mass media smut to me. Hell, he features lame, irrelevant, stupid stories constantly, and then just belittles the rednecks involved.

    The O'Reilly Factor has as much Spin as the Spanish-American War.

    [/end rant]

    :2guns: Bill O'Reilly