E15a In Stock, But Is It Really For Me?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Fryguy, Dec 29, 2003.

  1. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    I had such a downtime for E15A that I thought a lot about getting a brahma, and had basically made up my mind to do so, until I got a phone call today from mr. milner.

    I want a brahma 15 more (more realistic box size, dumaxed xmax, no bs, no weak flat cone design, more sturdy to take a beating), however the lack of "attack" that people talk about in the sound is disheartening to me. I like aggressive sounding speakers (I currently run focal components up front, although this is changing to a vifa/maxfidelity setup in the future).

    I'll have around 1300 for this thing (the likes of a crossfire bmf1000d will be purchased in the future). Very possibly will be dropping into a 4.0 @ 28hz box permanently (E15A will have a new box built, somewhat negating the price difference).

    So price and box size not an issue, it basically comes down to "flat, transparent sound" versus what I'd assume to be a "punchy, aggressive sound"

    I currently own a tempest and am somewhat dissapointed with the upper bass (60-80hz region) response, and if this trend will continue over to brahma, then I dunno. ..

    Also, an epicenter will be a part of the system eventually as well (which is somewhat why I want a brahma over the E15A, to me the E15A is too delicate below tuning to be playing the sub-bass stuff that an epicenter will be generating). I also tend to abuse subs bad in general (epicenter or not), and I'm worried about the fragility of the E15A's design.
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I responded on CAF, so I'll just hang here for the moment... B)

    I've got an Epicenter, myself...
    And an Epic150 now too, for the Pathfinder.
    I've just been using it on a short length of cord terminated with a cigarette lighter plug to meter people's cars with, it's plenty fun for that.
    By the virtue alone that it meters up to 150dB (and they have a 160dB version now too), and it has a voltmeter built in, I'd give it the nod over the standard Epicenter...
    But the standard Epicenter is more stealth... the actual unit hides away in your trunk or underdash, with a little knob mounted somewhere (I took my little knob box apart, and built it into my center console).
    Stealth counts for a lot for me.
    Definitely a fun little toy, everyone always gets a kick out of it. B)
  3. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member

    E15A is the least transparent of the line, and definitely has the 'attack' you seek - and you can make the B15 attack - just need to work the EQ...

    But as far as I see it, the 15A is not for you.

    Not because it won't hold up to you, but because you have no faith in it.
  4. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    jlaine, I tend to agree with you.

    However, how specifically can I make the brahma sound lively? obviously an EQ or something, but any suggestions on a bass EQ? most seem to be full range.
  5. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member

    Smaller than recommended sealed enclosure + EQ the marginal enclosure peak out afterward (focused around 50-65 hz but it shifts marginally depending on cabin reaction) will = punchier response. 31 band EQ can do it...

    Defeating the purpose of the brahma by artifically adding a shift to it's natural response though. You want really punchy music, stop expecting the subwoofer to do the duty and point the fingers at the midbass, because that is honestly where most of that lies.

    Would be much easier if you wanted that response curve to just get a 15a, I've seen the newer designs take more abuse than your 1300w will ever give them.

    Would be better yet to look at your midbass first, and get the subwoofer of your choice later.
  6. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    Well I've got my midbass of choice (vifa PL), they just aren't installed yet :)
  7. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Good point. B)

    It's always difficult translating/understanding when someone says they are looking for more "punch"...
    Definitely could be midbass.

    Lots of people though, compare more in the scope of say.. your typical 12" sub in a 35hz ported box, to that same sub in say... a large-sized sealed box. Lots of people like the extra "hit" that the higher tune gives you in the 40-60hz range... other people want to communicate with whales (like myself).

    Actually I like it smooth, a little bit of kick maybe... the illusion of smooth, rather than the RTA version of smooth.
  8. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    too bad you didn't have the resources to demo them both...like i stated earlier...if it is aggressiveness you are looking for....definatly the 15A

    i wouldn't worry about over power....the coil can take well beyond 1000w thermally and i can burp 20hz tones with no SSF and 1300w...3.5@34hz
  9. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    I definetely don't like RTA versions of smooth, or what an SPL meter tells me is loud. I want to hit the low stuff tremendously well, and have good bass response out to 85hz without a problem.

    another thing is that I don't build my own boxes (very much NOT mechanically inclined), and I already have a box that is very acceptable for a brahma (my tempest box, 4.0 @ 28).
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    You can and should cross the PLs down to 50-60 Hz. This will eliminate the issue of "punch" in the driver. The PLs are more than capable of running full range (quite impressive for the cost I assure you) and doing so very effectively.

    Josh is 100% correct, and I constantly harp on what he is saying. Midbass or punch is not the job of the woofer, it is the job of the midbass drivers, hence the name, "midbass driver" :p . My personal feeling is that a sub should not be required to reproduce anything over 70Hz, preferably less. Fortunately for you, the PLs will kick you in the face hard enough for you to forget about the sub as the "punchy" element in the system. Also, due to the typical midbass location, it will bring the punch in your face, rather than behind you ;) . Don't forget what a wonderful thing that can be for your front stage too... there is nothing like the front stage being in front of you :p . A novel idea, eh?
  11. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    totally agreed. I've just been disillusioned I guess by my tempest being a "real" sub that doesn't play above like 60hz, and my focal polyglass mids not coming down below 80, and having the gap pisses me off ;)

    Although now I'm realizing that if I get something like a hifonics brutus 1500, and use my existing 4.0 @ 28hz box, I could run an XXX..

    Any thoughts on this?

    Gotta love going from on indecision to another :(
  12. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    you are not the only one tormented about picking the right subs... I am in the same boat almost exactly.... and I have also considered ed (4 e12a's) but now I really do not know... :(
  13. Feandil

    Feandil Full Member

    In that large box for the Brahma you might be able to hit close to full excursion. But with the XXX 15 with that box (kinda small) and with that power (it can easily take 2500) it won't reach full excursion unless you are playing 10 hz below tuning ;)

    It's a fight I know :starwars: .... I'm thinking about dropping the L7s, but can't fully decide ;)

    No one on here actually has seriously answered my poll :p
  14. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    So you don't think an XXX would fit in my app?

    despite the fact it won't xmax, would it still perform better than a brahma in the same enclosure?
  15. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I don't have enough experiance with the XXX aside from a few moments listening to one to give much advice in either direction, but I can offer a bit of info about the behavior of XBL2 motors.

    First off, enclosure design software typically runs it's data as if the specs were to behave in a "parabolic" fashion, similar to what we see in the BL and KMS curves represented by DUMax and Kipple. The further from at rest we go, the more we see a variance in the actual specs. Some enclosure programs may utilise information like Le and possible coil length/diameter information to come up with a rough idea of the motor topology. However, my assumption is that neither you or I have invested enough money into our programs to allow for such possibilities. Even if we did have such software, the topology is not going to be amoung the preinstalled topologies, totally distorting any possibility of an accurate reading. These parameters falling off from the at rest param will also offer small BL at 22 MMs, where the Brahma and XXX are still running at full BL. Unloading is massive and quite sudden with XBL2 motors... Trust me :blowup: :p .

    What am I saying? Both drivers will definately drive beyond what you are expecting. Whichever driver you want to put in there will offer capabilities beyond what most have ever heard before. I truely don't believe either of the XBL2 drivers will suffer in that enclosure.
  16. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    exactly^^^^ some people think the XXX needs ungodly large enclosures to perform well....it's just not true
  17. Feandil

    Feandil Full Member

    Yea it can perform in small enclosures.... I was just saying I don't think it'll be that different than a Brahma or a ED A.... That box with that power is not gonna limit the XXX... that's all I was sayin ;)