e12k has arrived - review

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kbog, Oct 3, 2002.

  1. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    First impressions:

    This is a raw driver. No paperwork whatsoever; just a box, some packing peanuts and this incredible looking driver.

    The driver is beautiful. Very beefy with solid build quality. It uses the MTX basket which is 12 spoke. The surround is foam - not rubber. The cone looks to be a reinforced pulp. It has a sheen to it that is very nice. The dustcap has the eD logo which has grown on me.

    Pictures are here: www.edesignaudio.com

    This is a small company with impeccable customer service. I have spoken to the owner and many reps via forums, email and the telephone. All have proven very helpful indeed. In fact, I was stunned when the owner actually initiated an email contact with me because he was under the impression that I had a question about the company. What kind of service tops that?
    Warrantee is great - 3 years I believe. I can't fully endorse it until I have heard it though....

    About 3 hours later...

    I put it in tonight because I couldn't wait any longer. I had to play it at low volume to keep the neighborhood happy. I was able to do an A,B comparison with my Diamond Audio M5 which is also still in the car.

    Preliminary Notes:

    The M5 was a 10" driver and was only getting 300 watts from the JBL BP600.1. It is in a sealed .7 cu. ft. enclosure.

    The e12k is a 12" driver and is getting the full monty - 600 watts from the JBL BP600.1. It is in a sealed 1.1 cu.ft. enclosure.

    Clearly we have a displacement difference here which really makes this comparison apples to oranges. Sorry, it is all I have.


    As soon as the e12k was wired, the volume difference was apparent. I need to turn the gain down a bit, but the placement of the amp prevented this (It's dark too). The sub was just amazingly more vocal than the M5. The M5 could overpower the system at high volume. This thing will crush my car if the volume ratio remains the same as I turn it up. Again, I couldn't turn it up because of the neighbors...

    This sub also has WAY more low end extension. I didn't realize how much the M5 fell off down low until I heard this sub. VERY flat response all the way down. There seems to be a middle bass frequency which is a bit louder than the others. This was true for the M5 as well. Perhaps this is the car's resonant frequency. This is the only place in the bass spectrum that I can hear a relative volume increase. I am hearing notes I couldn't before. They sound wonderful.

    The sub seems to roll off very fast as well. I heard little to no overhang - just a tad better than the M5. It kept up well with rusted root which has some fast drum beats in it. The sub is not as boomy as the M5 was. I wonder if my Q alignment was off a bit with the Diamond.


    Oh man is this a keeper. It beats the heck out of the Diamond in almost all aspects (Diamond looks better - but then again I think ithe old M5 is one of the best looking subs out there). Volume and low end extension seem to be leaps and bounds better. SQ is slightly better due to the extension and to the fast rolloff.

    I will post again after I turn it up tomorrow... :rolleyes:
  2. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

  3. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Indeed its a sweet sub. I got my e12k in yesterday, and like you, i couldnt wait to install it. I was gonna wait, but ben told me it'd be fine in the huge box the shiva was in. So, i installed it. Its a damn good looker, and yes, the e is growing on me as well. I was impress with the overall performance of this sub, and im looking forward to hearing it in a 1 cubic foot enclosure. I had to set gains according to my comfort, because it just wouldnt clip. I think im run my linedriver to my subamp to see if i can get more output from the amp with a lower gain setting. I did that with my boston pro, and i ended up leaving my gains a little above the minimum. I suspect that its capable of more output than i'm getting at the moment with same power. I happen to know that my PG amp likes a beefy signal. I'm gonna play with the gains, stuff some crap inside the box maybe, and hook up that linedriver, and i'll get back to you guys with more info.
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Hey, when you bring it down to the shop today we'll set the amp with the scope. I'm a bit concerned, if the Shiva sounded as if it were clipping, the E12K should be clipping at the same point. Let's do it right and not smoke the sub.
  5. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    So Flawlesskid will stuff the box with crap and then he and Sandt are going to smoke it? This forum is taking a very strange turn... :dunno:
  6. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    lol! Yeah, thats the way its going down.
  7. kbog

    kbog Full Member

  8. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Glad to hear you like the sub man.
  9. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    glad to hear you like it, if you have any questions , feel free to shoot me an email at regal75@juno.com

    enjoy!, mine arrives today :D
  10. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Glad to hear you like them...

    Nate (luvdabass) just got his today too...
    He ordered a pair of 15" K's, brought them over to show me...
    It's an incredibly impressive looking driver for the money, for sure.. especially for the preorder price that he got them at.. they aren't still on preorder, are they?
    Can't beat $105 for a 15! B)

    At any rate, we haven't hooked these up yet, still sitting in their cartons...
    He had the same impression as you when he opened the box... no spec sheet, it's a simple unmarked brown cardboard container... it's just a raw driver, period!
    Nothing wrong with that.. the specs are on the web site, easy to find.. and if you ordered an Elemental driver, obviously you have access to their web site! :D

    We are going to do a dual-chamber vented for his pair of 15's, since he loved the way our prototype 15 sounded in the dual-chamber vented (big SPL capabilities!).
  11. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    It's been a pleasure knowing you Geo. You will be dead when those 2 vented e15k's hit.
  12. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I don't know, I survived the testing of our prototype 15 in the dual-chamber...
    It's just unfortunate that since there are 2, this thing is going to be HUGE...
    6 cu.ft. :eek: