I jus got a huge hole in the center of the dust cap of my MTX.. started as a little crack, and while movin some stuff, somethin got laid on it or somethin, and a big ass hole is there now.. I was gonna put some silicon on it, but the friend (it was in his van, movin his stuff, so mostly his falt lol) told me sense he was gettin em, jus try to find a whole new dust cap.. But I dunno where to get one? Any help? And can I put it in or will it have to be done?
you need to get the broken piece out before any repair can be done. why not google for a replacement cap.
I did google.. The only thing I came up with is like random color dust caps.. I came across one for MTX, but it was only for 6.5 inch.. How do I get it out?
turn the sub upside down and fish it out. here try this place. http://www.fixmyspeaker.com/index.php http://www.speakerex.com/
Ha I would if it was gonna stay mine.. But he wants em on there so.. Can't go that way.. And I thought this was kinda funny.. On one of the sites Pedro gave me, they actually have **** it dust caps... XD http://www.fixmyspeaker.com/ProductDetails.php?pid=78
How big are dust caps goin to be?.. like for a 10? If tha dust cap itself is 6.5 inches, shouldn't that work? Cause on all these random sites all tha dust caps are 6 to 6.5 inches