So any one know the measurements of a "Corperate Double din"?... i have the corperate double din, and it says that 7 x 2 x 6-1/4 inches will fit but 7" x 4" x 6-1/2" wont.. i think that it will though, any thoughts? The p6000 is 7 in. × 2 in. × 6-1/2 in so think i could squeeze a 4 inch into the 'double din' if it is infact double din?
Like an idiot i realized that i had the stock deck in the trunk, it measures 7w x4.5h x 6.5d so now that thats out of the way, iam looking into picking up a double din A/V unit, any suggestions? who has one and what do you think? i want one that perfoms well and looks clean and techy. ive been scanning at the and of course because iam a pioneer fan...