Do You Know Your Adire Dealer?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Snausages01, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Went back to the Adire dealer near me to see what I could get a B10 out the door for. Well I walked in and asked for Adire, but was soon corrected and was told it was pronounced Adire (rhymes with hire) but rather it was pronounced 'A Deer.' So, I said I could have always sworn it was called Adire (rhymes with hire), but decided to drop it and move on. He then asked me if I was looking for one of those Brahma subs, and I said yes specifically the B10. I was then told in order for them to make and order they had to order at least two. Anyway I proceeded to talk with him and he down played the sub a pretty good bit, like it was just an average off the shelf sub. I told him that I had 10w7s but was looking to get rid of them due to the box sizes and he said well the Brahmas take pretty large boxes. I replied with well Dan Wiggins from Adire Audio told me that Tom Nussaine (sp...I know I spelled it wrong) put a B10 in a .2 to .25 cubic foot box and got a flat response down to 10Hz, well he didn't know what to say to that. He then proceeded to say we have many subs here that can beat the w7s, and I told him that I didn't care a whole lot about output, but for pure SQ and he said this woofer here, that we build called the 'nemesis' and sells for $169. I nodded and says wow that’s pretty good especially at that price and especially if it sounds better than the w7 and Brahma. He then brought up DD saying it was a little more high end, then I said well that’s mostly for SPL and he said yes, but then I told him again that I did not want that because I was only interested in SQ.

    There was a little more chit chat than that, but from this I draw the conclusion that this guy is a moron! I think Adire should seriously rethink who they are letting sell their woofers to. This guy knew nothing about the sub or the company for that matter and IMO was not qualified to sell them or even look at them for that matter. :lmfao: I mean come on his sub that he builds is so much better than some of the top subs on the market? I bet.... :rolleyes: I promise if I ever buy an Adire product it will not be from him, I'd rather take the chance with an online dealer (although around here its not much of a chance at all)
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well see that is the thing

    i dont know what Happened, I think Dan quite Dealing with the Dealer Network Personally

    because lately there is NO rhyme or reason to dealer assignments

    There are alot of good one latey Seth being one of them, but there are Just as many BAD ones

    I was told, once upon a time that "adire only allows knowlegable dealers" that that was one of the reason i could not become one (and thus started the long draw out war between me and adire that has since ended peacfully)

    But I have forgotten more about car audio than some of these new dealers ever knew :rolleyes:
  3. SomeGuy

    SomeGuy Full Member

    There are so many dealers out there that don't know shit. It's scary, I've had local dealers recommend way underpowered amplifiers (175rms on 900rms subs) they've recommended 10's because they are "tighter" and "sound better" although some 10's are good I'd still rather a 12. He kindly referred to the 10 as being the nice tight sound that's good to listen to and 12's will make your car rattle and you hear booming away. Or another one that tried to show me that the alpine type r 15" sounds better then an alpine type s 10" in an in store display, go figure.

    Don't listen to dealers unless you know they are knowledgable.
  4. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    I dont go to local shops because I hate dealing with the people. They are completely ignorant to the way things really are, however, they work in an audio shop so they are SURE they know more than you. And you cannot go in without talking to one of those morons..... Its not worth my time.

    Does anyone know of an adire dealer in michigan??? If not Ill just talk Tom N into letting me listen to his brahma. :lol:
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    the closest is

    Rags & Records
    427 Main Street
    Vincennes, IN 47591
    PHONE: 1 812 882 4082
    FAX: 1 812 882 4506
  6. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    eh.... I aint drivin no 5-6 hours to audition a sub
  7. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    Hey monkey man... if you call them morons right off the bat, I assume they are all the same... not the case at all... Granted, if you are talking to Habib peddling his grey market merchandise, yeah you will get exactly what you described... But there are others who are quite knowledgable, just because they pay attention at their tech sessions offered by some of the manufacturers...

    So the moral of the story is, get to know your local (not BB or CC) car audio folks and get to know them first without any preconceived motions... If they are jerks and morons, run away... But if they are smart and know a bit, it is really invaluable to get a second opinion on car audio issues... I know that at least for me, it did save me a few headaches... :rolleyes:
  8. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    I hve given all 8 shops near me a chance..... not one sales guy was even slightly helpful. No matter where I went, or what product I asked for, they gave me the"oh thats just a substandard product, instead, we have these items on sale that would be much better!!" I ask why, they give a bunch of garbled, regurgitated crap that is incorrect as supporting evidence. None want to hear the truth. All 8 shops. One place is tolerable, because they dont hae salsemen that bother you.... and you can ask for something without the "I have something better than that ight here" speech, however, those times I decided to actually talk to someone, I quickly found that my brother of 16 years knows worlds more than them and he's never even owned an audio product.
  9. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    LOL, sorry to hear that... maybe you can find a friendly installer, since moreoften you can find a smart installer than a salesman... Salesmen usually get defensive when someone comes and starts questioning their livelyhood... And have no fear, I have just purchased couple of Brahmas 15 without even seeing them... At least I will have something to bitch about if they do not meet my expectations, LOL... :D
  10. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I think this thread is showing up at a bad time. Unfortunately Dan is away at CES, so probably won't see it for a great while.

    I suggest talking to Dan about your experience with this dealer. I know when I became a dealer, he was very picky on who he would allow to be one. It wasn't just knowledge, but personality. Now this may have changed, but I don't think so. My guess is that you just talked to the wrong person there. I'm sure Dan can point you to the right person to talk to at that shop.
  11. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    I think the guy was a 'head guy' maybe the owner. I mentioned Dan's name and he looked at me like who the fuck is that. But what I love is that its not Adire but 'A-Deer.' :) Also, I love how he tells me they take huge boxes because they are a large sub, hell if that were true I would just keep he w7s now wouldn't I? This place is a dump/pawn shop, they sell phones, beepers, jewlery, and even fix it all in one store... :lol: To make things better he wanted to sell me a 1/2" prefab box. After that his wife or who ever came up and she said the 'nemisis' "romp" and "even knock ice cubes out of a cup" I said I just want an SQ sub and he said of that is an SQ sub, you should hear the 4 we have hooked up in the car. I was like nah I'll come back tomorrow and hear the two you have when you hook them up because I just dont need to hear 4. :) He told me he just had stock speakers hooked up because he didn't want to draw away from the SQ of the subs. :lmfao:

    However as for local shops go, I am very bless I do almost 100% of my business at another local shop. The salesman really helps me out, we've become friends since I started shopping there. He is even willing to go with to audition home audio speakers because he is fairly into home audio too. I get prices lower than I can find on the net locally!
  12. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    Well, I do know a couple decent and knowledgeable installers, but that dosent help me when I go into a shop and just want to look at or hear stuff or even just purchase something and have to deal with the retarded salsemen.
  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Look at MMats4life Post about opening a Sho[

    Dan Directs him to Contact ANOTHER PERSON in the Adire Company about becoming a Dealer

    Leading me to Beleive he no longer dealer with it personally

    and Yes the Stadards had lacked...........

    Weather it be Intentionally or because Dan in not Involved or other wise I dont know

    but I have talked with a few of the new dealers, I was not impressed

    but it takes alot ot impress me anyway :lol:
  14. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Honestly I don't see the extra money being made worth the damage to Adire's rep. maybe it is though.... :unsure:
  15. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Well we are working on speculation here. This doesn't happen that often, so I doubt it will cause problems with Adire's reputation. I encourage you to let Dan know if you have a problem at one of his dealers shops. I am sure he will do what is best for his company and investigate the situation. Chris is actually now in charge of this I believe. He is a very nice guy, and Dan seems to trust his instincts. Why should we second guess his skill in that job due to one run-in with a poor salesman? After all, if you come into the shop I work at and talk to the new guy, you will get fed some wierd stuff. You need to talk to me about this stuff. He installs the vehicle accessories (hitches, toneau covers, bumpers, etc.) and doesn't do the audio. And when he told me he was going to put 5 tweeters along the top of his headliner, I was speachless. But if you happen to talk to him, I hope you wouldn't reflect what you hear on Adire and their choice of a dealer.
  16. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Yeah, Look at Steven, Marshall, and myself... Oh wait, bad examples :p
  17. TalNLnky

    TalNLnky Full Member

    we just got a local adire dealer here in spokane, wa..... crap, i was prolly the first person on this side of the state to buy an Adire product, if not.... then the first to buy a brahma. I have yet to find anybody on this side of the state that has bought adire car audio (found a guy a few mins away but in Idaho who bought shiva's for HT tho, actually told him about adire)

    anyways, this new dealer i don't really understand.... its a company ran out of the house (nothing wrong with that) that makes & sells fiberglass boxes for boats..... so i'm trying to figure out why they are selling adire. I don't think a brahma would be a good option for a boat since you can find higher efficiency subs, and really since you're in a pretty much open area(not a room) low end response(30hz and down) is going to be almost non-exisitent.... so maybe the tempest or shiva..... but thats the only thing i can think of.... Koda comps would be out do to the paper former cap which would be susceptable to moisture. This dealer also carries many other companies like sony & mtx along with others.... seems like these other brands would have a sub that is as efficient as a tempest/shiva, but maybe not.

    i dunno... i'm not saying the dealer shouldn't be a dealer... i just don't understand why they are a dealer, thats all.... I'll have to go talk to them sometime when i get the time i guess.
  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    not just one instance

    I will not bring my issues publicly or otherwise

    but then again Kirk from Ampman Never Impressed me, and in the end my insticts were RIGHT ON about him ;)

    "I could be wrong, but you ........ i'm not"
  19. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Well again this is one shop; Im sure the same could be said about any other product too. It just seems things like this men more to the smaller companies because their reputations don't really carry them like the bigger brands.

    Just every place in Louisiana that sells Adire appears to be "ghetto" or more like a "pawn shop." I have only visited the one, but judging from the names this is what they come off as beause a lot of the shops are here are like that too. I guess I would have no problem with where they were sold if the salesmen knew what they were talking about when it came to the subs. Again at "Killer Car Audio" this was an older guy (35ish) and appeared and sounded like he was more of the owner of the shop.

    Again I am not trying to bash Adire in any way, but it just seems where and how your products are sold has a big impact on the company.
  20. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    It sounds like you found the "knows everything but dosent know jack shit and the customer isnt knowledgable enough to step into the store " type bosses. I should know, I work for one . <_<