Disorderly Conduct?!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by jonnyv713, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Well guys thought you would wanna hear this.

    I hopped in the Cutty yesterday to go for a demo ride with a buddy and I made a mistake. I was driving through the town and he said is this all its got. So I cranked it and I guess I was right by a cop's house. He came out, on duty I guess, and pulled me over. He said when I am knocking sh** off his walls it is too loud haha. I laughed and said dammmm. I am not afraid of cops as I have been pulled over 18 times now and only had 2 tickets. I get to joking and they just love me haha. My murdered out car just draws a lot of negative attention around here. So, he gave me a warning for disorderly conduct - loud music? What the heck? I have never heard it called that.

    I just thought it was kinda funny. I feel kinda accomplished now that I made a cop come out of his house and chase me haha.
  2. Fbmowner

    Fbmowner Full Member

    I got a ticket by the boardwalk one summer, i was rite on the strip looking for parking.. I turned my system up for literally 5 seconds if even. I pulled a little further down the road and one of the cops in the road directing traffic told me to pull to the curb. He walked up to the car and said " got some subs back there?"i wanted to say " heres ur sign" (as you can CLEARLY see the 3'12s through the hatch he was standing directly next to ) and gave me a ticket that said "Loud Radio". Cost me 125 bucks!! I still have the ticket, ill never throw it away! haha
  3. Klinkster

    Klinkster Full Member

    You should have said, "Don't you have some "Jersey Shore" characters to lock up instead? :p
  4. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Scan the ticket and post it here

    But seriously, lets try NOT to get cops mad at us.
  5. monster71

    monster71 Full Member

    I made the same mistake. I was going north and he was heading south. I was surprised he heard me since we were going opposite ways. But apparently 4 tens going at the same time make a lot of thunder. I got out of it. I said would u believe I hit the wrong button at the exact time you drove by. I said I compete in SPL competion and would never intentionally turn it up in the street. He smiled and said be careful. Sweet victory for me on that night.
  6. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    ha I've been pulled over a few times for my systems.. gotten outta a ticket every time thank God! The last time I got pulled over I asked the cop why he was pulling me over he said "your stereo was to loud", I said but the sound ordinance law doesn't kick in til' 9 and it's only 5? He said "well when your rattling my mirrors in my car and I can feel it in my chest 5 cars ahead of you I think I have the right to pull you over don't ya think?" lol he let me go though said next time it'll be a big fine
  7. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    Either I've never had enough boom,or I'm careful.I've never been pulled over for that(knock on wood).I have however received tickets for almost everything else.
  8. 2k Z71

    2k Z71 Full Member

    That's the bennefit of california. According to state law you have to be able to hear the vehicle from 50 feet away with the windows up traveling at highway speeds (~55mph) It's nice to know the law.