Different speaker wires.

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by pearce, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. pearce

    pearce Full Member


    After doing abit of research I found that different speaker wires have different ohms and do different things.

    I do not know how many ohms My head unit is. The front speakers are 4 ohm and the rears are 6 ohm. I could swap rears for 3.2 if needed.

    When wiring the speakers this is how I did it.
    I used a new piece of speaker wire for each speaker.
    This is the harness, very similar anyway.

    What I did was, for the right rear wires I used speaker wire to go to the right rear speaker. For the left front I used speaker wire that goes to the left front speaker. For the right front I used speaker wire that goes to the right front speaker.
    For the left rear I used speaker wire to go to the left rear speaker.
    None of these speaker wires are connected to any other speakers in any way, just connected to their own speaker.
    It is a little confusing. I drawn a diagram. None of the speakers are connected in anyway, just to the head unit.
    Diagram is attached.

    For the front speakers I used the wire that came with them, it was very thin wire with very weak copper wires, roughly 5 wires for each positive and negative.
    The rear speakers I bought some speaker wire, a fair bit thicker, stronger copper wires, with more of them in each positive and negative.
    The harness, which only has about 10 cm of wire coming from it, are very thick and hard copper wires.

    Im just wondering if this could cause bad sound or anything, having different wires for different speakers.

    Heres a diagram I drew.
    Thanks very much. I hope you understand what I mean.
  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    the wires itself doesn't affect the ohm load.. it's the way you wire the speaker that affects the load.

    As long as you matched the positive with the positive and the negative with the negative then your okay...

    your headunit is at 4ohms... so, it seems that you did everything right. since you are all stock and wire you used would be okay.
  3. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    thankyou very much.

    Why would the rear speakers not distort even at top volume, but the front ones do distort at about volume 28 (depending what song).
    I was told this is clipping, but why are the rear ones not making the head unit clip?
    Is it because they are 6 ohm instead of 4?
    Should I replace the front speakers with 6 ohm speakers?
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    the 6 ohm speakers should be getting less wattage from the head unit.

    the front speakers could be clipping. you could try to adjust the fader a bit for now. I wouldn't recommend changing to a 6 ohm speaker..

    If you want really good sound then maybe you should invest in an amp. You really aren't gonna get much from just powering it from a head unit.
  5. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    the 6 ohm speakers should be getting less wattage from the head unit.

    the front speakers could be clipping. you could try to adjust the fader a bit for now. I wouldn't recommend changing to a 6 ohm speaker..

    If you want really good sound then maybe you should invest in an amp. You really aren't gonna get much from just powering it from a head unit.
  6. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    I know many people dissaprove of this, but could someone tell me -
    Out of these 8 speakers, which would be best in my car?
    2 4 inch 4 ohms
    2 home theatre 8 ohms
    2 home theatre 6 ohms
    2 6 inch 3.2 ohms.

    Currently I have the 4 inches and the home theatre 6 ohms, but would the 8's be better?
    From my understanding the higher the ohm means the less power the head unit needs to power the speaker, and this causes less distortion. So wouldnt 8 ohm speakers sound better than the 4's or 6's?

    Also, my wiring harness can only fit 4 speakers, is their any way to hook more than 4 speakers up? Directly connect 2 speakers together and only connect one to the deck? Does that work?
  7. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    its really better to use 4ohm speakers cuz that matches with the stereo. the reason why you are getting distortion with the 4ohm speakers is because the speakers have higher wattage than your deck..

    it may be the case that the reason why you are getting better sound from the 8 ohm speakers is because they are very low wattage....

    now, if you want to hook up more 8 ohm speakers to your deck then that is possible... you want to wire them parallel to give you a final load at 4ohms...

    here's a pic on how to do it

    Attached Files:

  8. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    its all so confusing.

    What would your advice be to someone who is not willing to spend any more money on the current car. I will have to make do with what I have until I get my new car.

    What can I do to make it sound as good as possible for the time being.

    That diagram makes some sort of sense.
    Currently I have each speaker with its own wire going direct to the deck. By that diagram, I would cut each REAR wire halfway, and wire up another speaker to it. Is that correct? If I added 2 more 8's that would make each REAR wire have 16 ohms, wouldnt it?

    Any advice on what you would do would be appreciated
  9. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    Any ideas?
    Especially with the connection thing.
    From that diagram it looks pretty simple.
    I would get 2 3 way joiners for the rear speaker wires. And have 2 speakers in the back seat running off the rear speaker wire, like in the diagram.
    Main questions are -
    Would it have any effect on the head units power output? Would it make it put out less to the other speakers?
    Would the new speakers be considered rear speakers aswell? Because they are on the rear wire?
    Also if I put 8 ohm speakers their wouldnt it make them 16 ohm all up? How would I get 4? Its impossible.
  10. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    Something like this?

    or this
  11. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    Actually I misunderstood your diagram.
    What difference would it make wiring the rear speakers up like that?
    Woud it make any difference in sound to what it is now?
  12. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    Im not going to hook uo an extra 2 speakers ill just make do with what I have until I get the hilux roadworthy.
  13. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    ok, just leave it how it is then. totally up to you... the diagram i sent would be for 2 8 ohm speakers.. So essentially if you're gonna put 4 8 ohm speakers in the rear then wire them up by 2's (like the diagram i provided) so it will give you a final 4ohm load which is the same as your deck.

    Not sure how good it will sound though. Usually when you have speakers wired to your deck they aren't gonna sound too good cuz your deck puts out very little wattage.
  14. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    I tried that method in the pic with 2 speakers and the bass in the speakers were loud, but the lyrics were very quiet and hard to hear.
  15. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    hmmm, why don't you use that as bass for your rear and the fronts for more vocals? wouldn't that sound good?
  16. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    Yes it would sound good
    I have 2 8 ohm speakers in the back hooked directly to the deck seperatley. Would they be sending 8 ohm frequencies or what ever or would it be 4? Its not doing any damage to the head unit is it. I really dont have much idea what im talking about but when you showed me the picture of the speakers with a 4 ohm load on each chord, I realised that my current predicament could be blowing the head unit?

    Whats the difference between 8 ohm and 4 ohm, 8 recieves more or less power? 8 is louder or softer?
  17. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    I've been offered an amp for 70 dollars AUS, it comes with all wiring.

    It is a Kicker ZX75.2 it is around 50rms @14.4V
    Is that agood deal? Would it work with my head unit.
  18. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    how much is 70 AUS compared to USD?

    any amp will work with your head unit. AS long as your amp has pre-outs (looks like a female RCA on the back of your stereo)

    with speakers just so you know. anything with the same load or higher you won't be hurting anything. it when you go lower than what the head unit or amp can do is when you can damage. So with your deck, anything with a 4ohm load or higher (ex. 6ohm, 8ohm) is fine.
  19. pearce

    pearce Full Member

    It is $57.09 cents USD.
    Is it a good deal do you think? My head unit has one set of pre-outs.
    Does higher the ohm mean higher the sound or higher the power required to run it?
  20. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    that seems to be a good price. get it...

    higher the ohms the less power it will see from the head unit or amp