DEI Studio Subs

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by AbRaKaDaVa, Sep 27, 2002.

  1. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    I know Mike was selling these things at one point...but seeing as how he has fallen off the face of the friggin planet...I dunno where to get them now...

    I'm thinking about using 3 of these mounted in my rear deck powered off of a 1200.1...

    They would not be deck is strange and I can enclose it, I'm not sure how much airspace I can get out of it I'll have to measure it later on today...

    If I can sell my damn eXcursions I would love to get a trio of these things...12's...Mike was selling them for like 100 a piece, which I'm pretty sure I can afford :D

    The only other sub I can think of that would fit the bill for what I am trying to do is the Elemental K series...or maybe the Shiva...

    Does anyone have any other ideas incase I can't get these Studio's at a good price? I need them to be able to work in a fairly small box, not cost more than about...130 a piece...and not have a terribly large mounting depth...I'm looking for 12's only...

    Any ideas?
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    He's still carrying them...
    I just bought a pair from him a few weeks ago.

    He took them off of his page because he got in some political dispute with DEI...

    But he can still sell them.

    Send him an Email!
    (although I have sent him a couple Emails, and he hasn't replied yet! :()
  3. SQ_X4 Mikey

    SQ_X4 Mikey Full Member


    I never got a reply from him regarding the Studio Subs..I wanted to get a PAIR as well.

    I wonder where MikeP went! :unsure:

  4. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Geo -

    How do you like them? Sound quality wise? SPL wise??
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I was very impressed with them...
    Sound quality was very good...
    Efficiency was very good...
    Excursion was even very good...
    And they look like a very high end driver, something that would look right at home in the trunk of a BMW or Mercedes!

    I was downright shocked, when you factor in their low price!
    Definitely good subs - but more importantly a huge value on the quality/dollar scale!