Damn It Adire

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well I got my subs today, and guess what, they dont fit

    What it suppose to be a 5 1/8in mounting depth is 6INCH's does some one need to relearn how to read a ruler?

    I am sure the Depth Changed from III to IV even though Dan said it did not

    so either the White paper was always wrong, or the depth changed

    SO now I have 5(3 HSL's and 2 Shiva's) 12's I can not use :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    anyone know where I can get a Good Box from CHEAP that will give me a little more dpeth
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I just want to add, they do look nice, but it just annoys me, I took off an hour early from work so i could install them before dark, and before is gets cold again (tonight a cold fromt comes through here) and now my whole plans are runied...

    I guess I should have just went with my orginal plan ofr adding a 2in spacer to the box and throughing the HSL's in their
  3. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Is this for the truck, Michael?

    Familiar with the mini-truck/truck scene at all?
    Two words for you...


    You do need clearance for the pole vent, also... at least an inch, and I think that's pushing it.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    no the truck is funcational, I am not use the bed for subs

    and the Pole Peice will have plently of Room

    remember the face is at a Angle

    the top part of the Magnet is what is bottoming out, it is not resting flat against the back

    I do know what I am doing geo ;) :lmfao:

    I am just going to have them cut me a of 3/4in stock at work tommorow and make me some Spacers, probally add 1.5ins to the face just for "safty sake" but it is still annoying that the specs are not correct, know what I mean?

    Now I will probally have to wait 2 + weeks for the weather to get above freezing again before I can install them :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    It's annoying.. :yes:

    If it's just that small amount though, possibly you could mark the inside of the box where the motors are hitting the back wall of the enclosure, and cut out a small moon-shaped hole to allow the subs to screw in, and then put a couple layers of fiberglass over the hole on the backside, to seal it all up?

    The holes would be small, wouldn't need to go crazy on the 'glass, as far as thickness went, and you should be able to still keep it close to flush with the back of the box.

    Just a thought, if there's an ergonomic reason for not wanting to do the spacers...
    if not, why not just move the whole baffle of the box forward 3/4"?
    Make a new baffle, cut your sub holes... and basically cut out your existing baffle (maybe leaving a couple "ribs" for bracing) before screwing the new one down.
    That way, you'd gain some airspace, also. B)

    If you don't want to do a blow through, of course... :lol:
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    geo, it is December in Indiana, I have a Unheated Garage, and I am lazy

    you do the math

    I dont want to do spacers prurly because I dont want to take the effort to make them

    I bought a prefab box purly because I was too lazy to Make a real box

    doing any of the things you mentioned would take as much if not more work than just slapping together a new box

    Thanks for the Suggestions though

    I will just have Lowes cut me some 13 x 13 Squares of Stock and then Come home and Cut some Cirles in them and Glue and mount them,

    That will be the best solution I guess

    As far as the Blow through goes

    I bought the Truck for WORK, not show

    my Tbird is getting a MAJJOR over haul this summer, I already have a 15in LCD Panel, and other Componets for the In Car PC, ;) ;)
  7. DanWiggins

    DanWiggins Full Member

    All our driver sizes are listed at http://www.adireaudio.com/tech_papers/driver_sizes.htm and are accurate. Here's a picture I just took of a Shiva's mounting depth:

    [​IMG] confirming the height we list above.

    In the White paper the drawing is for the Mark II - it hasn't been updated to reflect the Mark III or Mark IV.

    Dan Wiggins
    Adire Audio
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    and I have never seen that page nor is their a link to that page oin the shiva page

    the ONLY link that show dims is to the White Paper, Perhaps you should be updating THAT, or proving proper links to for your customers

    Just a Hint
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    sorry if I seem upset

    but I researched and researched, even asked on this forum, and your dealer about the mounting depth

    posted a number of time that I need something under 5.5 inches

    before I ordered, then I get the sub and it is about 6inchs

    After Dropping $250+ dollars it just annoys me that I know have to add stuff to my box
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Whoa!!! sorry I missed this untill now. I'm bummed to hear you are having a time Michael. I got an idea for you, try pulling the boot off and see if it will fall in there ;) . I had to do that with the comps in my pickup to get the window to roll down ;)
  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    not gonning to work either

    I will fix it, no worries their

    I am not reallt as upset as my posts tend to lead on, I just hope they will switch their white paper, or add in links or more text so others are not found in my place

    I have the means to fix it, some dont
  12. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Whoa.... I see Koda 10, 12, 15s on there!

    Comin out at CES?
  13. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Hrm...I see your point there is no mention of the mounting depth on the Shiva's webapage. Nor is there any mention that the depths would have changed from the I or II to the IV.

    It seems this really needs to be provided as it coudl cause some serious problems for some, such as in this case.
  14. mustatang

    mustatang Full Member

    Those Koda 10, 12, and 15's look like they are bigger than the Shiva and Tempest...looking at just the weight...they also have shallower mounting depths.

    Speaking of mounting depths. Sorry, to hear about that Michael.
  15. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    trade them in for new kodas since you were mislead that sounds fair enough if they're close in price..
  16. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    I'm pretty sure that they're gonna be more expensive than the shivas....but less than the brahmas...
  17. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    i think that i forgot to put my just kidding smilie...whooops...
  18. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    No, that would definitely be more of a pain in the ass than building a couple easy spacers for the box...
    Even for Michael, who is scared of the big, bad, cold garage!

    (you can tell I have no sympathy.... I'm in Buffalo, NY! :lol:)
  19. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    lol, I still dont think you enjoy working in the cold geo