Daily Driver: Should I Even Do A System?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by josh99ta, Dec 21, 2003.

  1. josh99ta

    josh99ta Full Member

    Maybe I'm getting smarter with my money, or tighter, or whatever the case may be, but I can honestly see two sides to this question. Thinking about it right off the bat, I'd do what I've been planning on, throwing a moderately nice system in the daily driver. It'll never get modded with performance or appearance in mind, and I will be spending ALOT of time in the car (two hours a day, five days a week MINIMUM). So I think to myself, whats a little cash for nice sounds since I will be spending so much time in it. As the signature suggests, I'm considering an Alpine HU (can't decide whether I want cheap and bare bones or nice and good tuning features, the difference is about $180 or $280). Then I want XM since I'll be driving so much, but can't decide whether I want to get the Alpine XM tuner so I can control XM through the HU and add that kind of convenince ($250), or if I want a little add on unit with a seperate control unit ($120).

    Once I figure out that decision, I need to decide if I just want a HU and XM, or if I really want to throw a system in there. I've already got a set of Koda components, but no amp to push them ($225). I'd also need to pick up a sub ($200) to anchor the low end. That would round out the system, but thats also $425 that I could save, spend on other more important things, pay off some credit card debt, and the list could go on. One part of me says get an amp and a sub and throw all that and the Kodas in, while another part of me says just get a HU and XM and use the factory speakers, and just be content with that and save your money.

    Like I said, I'll be spending alot of time in the car so I can somewhat justify spending the money that I'll still need to spend to get an entire system up and running (looking at about $500 for an amp, sub, wiring, and deadening, not to mention the money I'd have to spend on a HU and XM), but at the same time, 2003 was not a good financial year for me, I pissed away alot of money (estimated at $1000 of money flat out wasted, lost, or ripped off with nothing to show for it) and I'd like to make 2004 a bit better. It's either about $300 for a cheap HU and XM add on and be done with it, or another $800-$900 on top of the $200 I already dropped on the used Koda comps, for a total of $1000-$1100, thats a huge difference. Since I'm mainly going to be listening to XM and not CDs, I really wonder how quality my system needs to be make the music bearable. I suppose the logical thing would be to start out buying and installing piece by piece, starting with a nice HU ($280-$330) and the XM add on, see how that works for me, and moving on from there if I want more quality out of the system. It's just such a hard decision, and I'm split down the middle.

    Someone, help me. I'm freakin out on this end. :blink:
  2. josh99ta

    josh99ta Full Member

    Equipment I'm looking at:

    Alpine 9805
    Alpine 9811
    Alpine 9813
    Alpine 7894
    Pioneer P5500MP
    Clarion DXZ535
    Clarion DXZ835MP

    Phoenix Gold Octane (75x4, 300x2)
    (2) USAcoustics (50x2, 150x1 or 100x2, 300x1)

    Those are really where my two big decisions lie. The XM unit is either an Alpine tuner for an Alpine HU at extra cost, or a Delphi Roady unit on any of the above units aux inputs. Already have front stage. Really isnt alot of money to be saved anywhere in the chain, everything is already pretty much dirt cheap (amp choices range from $150 total to $250 total, HU choices range from $180 total to $280 total, sub choices are all $150-$200).
  3. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    I'd get a HU/xm, and amp the Koda's. For radio listening, it might provide all the low end you need, given the circumstances. Wait until afterward to think about a sub. The additional low end might not justify, in your eyes, the added cost given the install and your self described low expectations from this daily driver. Of course, your inner audiophile might get peeved when a song drops real low and you Koda's audibly struggle. I guess you need to evaluate and reevaluate your expectations...

  4. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    I'd say one peice at a time. Go with the XM Alpine one month. Run the Koda's off the Alpine. then the next month buy an amp. Piece it together. For a daily driver I'd be buying all used equipment except maybe the head unit.
  5. josh99ta

    josh99ta Full Member

    Good point Honest Bob, I was bored today and started looking at the total cost and it kinda freaked me. If I do like you say, and take it one step at a time, then it's only an extra $100-$200 a month or every few months as a little gift to myself, then it wont seem like such big lump of money, plus this isn't money down the drain like that $1000 that was wasted this past year, but money towards something that I will enjoy. Since I wont be making the daily driver faster or doing anything to make it look better, my little system will be a little something to keep me interested in the daily driver.
  6. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    There's always used gear...
    You can often find great stuff that yields all the power and performance that you are looking for, used.
    You feel much less attached to it as well, if you do want to get rid of it.
    And if you do want to get rid of it, you sell it and virtually get what you paid for it.

    I'm going to be running an Alpine 7894 HU that I bought new, along with an Alpine MRV-1507 that is used, I traded ThumperFBC (on CAF) my old Cadence Z7000 for it, I'll be running that as the heart of my system. Hell, until I decide what I'm doing with my front stage, I'm running an 8 year old set of Alpine coax's that sound quite decent.
    I've also got a set of Aura Mobile References that need a minor repair in my basement that I bought... used!
    I'm afraid to put those in, because they sound so nice I'm afraid I won't be motivated to really do the line-array setup I want to do... :D

    As for your XM source unit... you can buy XM devices that aren't integral to any given HU. You could even keep the stock HU and work around that, if you weren't looking for any bling-bling or specific HU features that you like... I personally love seeing high-end systems done in very stealth ways...

    And there's also the DIY route.
    I did that line array setup in my previous Nissan - the lowrider minitruck - with four Peerless tweets ($16 on sale at www.madisound.com), four Vifa/Parts Express mids from Parts Express ($15), four overstock buyout SoundStream Exact 4.3 passive crossovers for $15 each at Parts Express, two Phase Linear amps that I got at a little-known online auction for $36 each, traded a 10" PPI Piston sub that I had for a friend's used 10W0 (liked the SQ better), and the HU/changer was a hand-me-down from my Civic, when I got a 7894 HU for that car. Total cost was about $260 not counting the trades and hand me downs, and I swear it's one of the best sounding systems I've had to date.... not a boom machine, but I don't know if that's your goal.

    If it is... #1 item on your list should be "alarm system". B)
  7. josh99ta

    josh99ta Full Member

    <~~ Hardcore SQer that can't stand loud bass, so nope, not a boomer, but I'll still have a little security system just for piece of mind. I think I may try to get ahold of a 7894, I really want that HU because it has the one feature I really want (time alignment) and it's also selectable green/amber illumination, and amber will match the daily driver, and I'm a stickler about that type of thing.

    Also, I'm working around the factory HU in my Trans Am because it's a quality piece, but I dont think the Neon's factory HU is worth keeping, LoL. Plus I want MP3 in the daily driver.
  8. ScottS

    ScottS Full Member

    Dont you try to hide you bass monkey. I remeber someone haveing an re in an spl box in there t/a. Hmm i belive it was a TN. show at a drag strip. you dont have to lie to kick it. :)

    Scott Stoner
  9. josh99ta

    josh99ta Full Member

    LoL, I'll admit, I ran a few SPL comps, they were at MECA Boom & Zoom events and I needed a little bit more than the high 130 dB mark that all my sealed setups were hitting, so I ran SQ with my sealed 12, then for the Boom & Zoom where they meter you while you're lined up in the staging lanes, then after you meter, you run down the strip, I dropped a Resonant Engineering SE 10" in about 1.2 cubes ported tuned to the mid 40 Hz range, threw in a 52 Hz tone, had an RE 35.1D on it, cranked out a 145, it was pretty fun, I wont lie, but I'm not a bass monkey by any means. Loud systems are cool for short periods of time, but I can't stand loud bass for any extended period of time (more than a few seconds), just messes with me. I like my music to sound the way it was recorded :)
  10. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    Well if you want just a little more low end I have a JL 10w3v2. Would do pretty good in .6 cubes so it wont take much space either. PM me if you want to talk pricing on it. I am really getting tired of it sitting on my dresser so it will be cheap.
  11. josh99ta

    josh99ta Full Member

    Thanks, may take you up on that but I'm waiting to see what Adire, RE, and all the other guys bring out at CES. The sub will be the last thing I buy, and I'm going to just go one piece at a time. Might be May before I have everything in, but I'll probably pick up the HU and XM tuner before January is over, already have the Kodas, February will be wiring and deadening bought and installed (deadening doors and trunk lid and thats it), then in March I'll grab an amp, and maybe in April grab a sub. Might get done a month or two sooner than that if money allows, might get done a month or two later if money gets tight, but that'll be the basic outline for now that I'll try to stick to.
  12. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Thats the way to do things :) At least how I did my car audio and also my computer.
  13. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    Ah I prefer the 'get a new credit card with 0% interest for 6 months' route.

    How I do all of my major purchases if I can.
  14. josh99ta

    josh99ta Full Member

    Credit cards are the devil's currency :angry:
  15. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    Only if you use them incorrectly. Otherwise they are useful credit earning tools.
  16. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Loving music the way I do (and obviously you do too ;) ) I couldn't ever have second thoughts of a good system in my car. There are so many inexpensive ways of going about setting up a nice system, it makes no sense to have second thoughts.

    A nice Shiva/US Amp combo with either Cadence coax or JL XR coax set with US power as well comes to mind.

    Cheap doesn't nessicarily mean crap... but stock Neon systems do :p


    Nice sig :p . Seems I am popping up in sigs all over the place lately B) ...

    and Josh, see HBs sig ;) . Do it for you :yes:
  17. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I was paying my card off each month.
    Then, I lost my job.
    Now, I've got about $2500 on it, and I'll have to slowly whittle that away over the next few months.
    That sucks. :ranting:

    So, moral of the story is...
    "Don't quit your day job." :lol:
  18. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    It just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :eek: ;) :D
  19. josh99ta

    josh99ta Full Member

    It turns out that the car is in such great shape, and such a nice car really, that I'm going to keep it for quite a while. And if I'm going to keep it for quite a while, might as well have fun with it. So a new plan has been devised. I'm still going to look into a low line head unit, and add the lower line Eclipse decks to the list as well, but I'm going to get a better amp, probably something like a Phoenix Gold Tantrum 600.4 (100x4, 300x2). The front channels will of course go to Kodas, and the rear channels will go to my subs. I've never had a multi sub setup, it's always been a single sub. I'm sick of it and I want multiple subs, regardless if they are cheap or not. The plan is to pick up not two though, but FOUR, yes FOUR cheap little 8" subs and port them low in the trunk. It wont take up much space or add much weight, yet I'm willing to bet it'll hammer. Granted I'm not that big of a bass monkey, but I do like my rock music loud with alot of impact, and I need some good bass to keep up with the Kodas, so I'm thinking something like four RE8s or four Tang Band 8s ported to 27-30 hz with 75w per 8 will be just the trick. The other option is a pair of 8s in an ABC enclosure, but I think I'd rather just have the quad ported. You dont often see four 8s, just something I've always wanted to do and now probably will since I've got a trunk car that can take the four. They'll either all be right behind the seat or possibly two on each side of the trunk, either way it should be nice.