Cutting Straight Lines With Limited Tools...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by AbRaKaDaVa, Oct 11, 2002.

  1. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Okay, Sandt pointed me in the direction of some tutorial for this a while back using a jig, but LEE being the fuckass that he is banned that account and I can't get at my old PM's...

    Does anyone have any teqniques for cutting MDF properly without a tablesaw? I'm damn well not having home depot do it again, that was a damn nightmare last time...

    Help guys :D
  2. edesignSPL

    edesignSPL Full Member

    being sober while cutting helps alot (and helps prevent loss of limbs occasionally)

    also...just cut slow and steady, not racing anyone so just take your time. But if you really suck with a skil-saw (or jig i guess...hate to cut a whole box out with one) get a couple of C-clamps and a straight piece of something (molding, aluminum bar, whatever is straight and won't bend) and clamp it into place. Be sure to take into account the thickness of the blade tho. then you just butt the guide on the saw against it and cut away :)
  3. ryno4

    ryno4 Full Member

    Ask one of your friends/neighbors if they have a tablesaw and if they can make a few cuts. Try and barrow a buzz saw..

    Home Depot cuts stuff but like 25cents for each cut.
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Alaska is dead on. That is how I do it. I have a tutorial I made up, and I think it is still up (I have deleted a couple of my tutorials and I am not sure if it was one of them), but I will have to get it at home for you as it is in my favorites... Maybe tonight or tomorrow I'll get it for you...
  5. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Thanks guys...

    I hope it's still up nat man, explaining shit to my dad without pictures and or a written out explanation is a real pain in the ass :rolleyes: :D

    He LOVES to work with wood and stuff but when we moved down to Florida from New Jersey (when i was like..4..) he sold almost all his woodworking tools and we're now left with pretty basic shit such as an old jigsaw and some other stuff...

    I would ask the neighbors but we don't know any of them very well and I don't have any friends here in that's far as Home Depot goes...even for the simple cuts on my last square shaped box they managed to fuck up royaly...i don't even want to think about how terrible they would assrape the trio, two sides angled type box that I am building now...gonna have to be common chamber as those kind of boxes are very hard to sepereate accuratly so I'll have to brace the hell out of it...this one will actualy be carpeted and finished, it should look very nice in my trunk when I'm all done....

    Once again, thanks for the help guys, I'll keep an eye out for that tutorial Sandt :D

    I'll keep everyone posted as my new project progesses...