I am trying to design a custom system for a 93 Camaro, I hope to utilize the cargo area in the hatch/trunk. My Idea is to create a six sided plexiglass tube like enclosure, I hope to fit 4 10" Kicker Solo Barics in two pairs of two iso baricly. I know the basics behind iso baric design as on one pushes the other pulls, creating the need for less "box space. I need a source to buy economical plexiglass and info on just how you tune ports and exactly what goes into tuning the port for best quality. Any other info or even criticism regarding this idea would be great!
or just buy something like this http://cgi.ebay.com/CHEVY-CAMARO-CU...3QQihZ006QQcategoryZ50565QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem and call it a day. up to you.
you basicly want to mount them in a clamshell design?i;m not sure the solo's were ment for that.i may be wrong. what's wrong with haveing them side by side?
yes you have the basics down . but you also have to realize they take alot more power. and solobarics need very little space to start with. good luck and let me know how it works. iso loaded boxes were popular in the early 90s because box volume was much higher than todays subs. i actually had 8 jl 8w4s in iso box and loved it.