Current set up (beginner)

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Dayrave, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. Dayrave

    Dayrave New Member

    First let me start off by saying that i dont consider myself a noob but a beginner cuz i know the basics and a bit more but still have plenty to learn.

    This is my current set up:
    Boss 720ca stereo
    2 stock speakers
    4 tweeters

    Future Plans:
    Get a small amp ex.dp audio da1000
    2 180 watt speakers
    1 Dual Sbp10

    I dont want my system to be an awesome system but i do want it to be a good one im running a little low on the budget,since im only 17 and i just started working,I'll accept all tips/hints on what i can do and things like that.

    Thanks Peeps
  2. monster71

    monster71 Full Member

  3. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site

    My first suggestion to you is to look into the automotive electrical and do the big 3. Since you are running a lower powered system (nothing wrong with that! ) I would probably go with 8 gauge wire on this upgrade, should be more than adequate and will not break the bank.

    next i would look into putting whatever sub you plan on using into the most efficient box..lets use this low wattage system to its maximim potential by getting all you can out of the sub with the power you are using!

    Stock highs with add on tweets can make for a decent sound actually. so stay with that if you are happy with it, it can always be changed later...

    BTW, what kind of car/truck is this? that will help us out a bit on what you should or should not do...
  4. Dayrave

    Dayrave New Member

    Okay thanks take those hints into consideration,btw i have a 1989 nissan stanza lol its my "antique" xD