
Discussion in 'Car Stereo Speakers' started by connerray2010, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    Will crossovers help my tweeters from distorting when real loud music and lots of bass is played? Thanks
    (Iv searched and found nothing so plz help)
  2. ericj

    ericj Full Member

    Yes, they should help with distortion. If amped, you may also want to make sure your gain is set correctly or they could be getting a clipped signal when your HU is turned up.
  3. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    The amp is a factory bmw amp so I m pretty sure it don't have a gain setting. The only time it is realy bad distorted is when I have the sub woofer on. Also what about for the mids? There brand new kicker 5250's and I'm kind of disappointed because there not as clean as I thought they would be, so will crossovers help them (there 2 way so thay have a tweeter also.
  4. ericj

    ericj Full Member

    Any idea what the ohm rating is on that factory amp?

    Just wondering since I remember that car Bose systems are like 8 ohm or something...not that yours is a Bose system, but it got me to thinking.
  5. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    Well the speakers I pulled out of the rear deck were 2 ohm and the ones from the front doors were 2 ohm so this must mean the amp is 2 ohm. Right? (Not trin to be smart a**, just not sure if I'm right or not lol)
    But the kicker 2 ways I just put in are 4 ohm (but the speakers I took out done the same thing and I thought upgrading to better speakers would help but it hasn't.
    Give me some name brands that are really good and loud for a good price (ebay price lol) I'm cheap. Or are these good speakers. Inform me here plz
  6. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Lets back up a little bit here connerray. The 5250 kickers you have installed include a x-over on the tweeter already. So at this point, I dont recommend changing the x-over to the tweeter. As for putting a x-over on the entire coax, yes, this would be OK. The amp in the car is designed to put out its max power under a 2 ohm load. You have installed 4 ohm spks. This will essentially cut the power output in half. This coupled with the probable fact that the original factory spks were most likely more efficient than the kickers...So end result is less output, probably on the order of 5-8 decibels...

    Now, you also stated that the sound is really distorted when the sub is on....Please describe how the sub is integrated into the sytem, is it another aftermarket amp and sub, is it a factory amp and sub?
  7. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    After market sub/amp (kicker 12"L5/sony xplode 1000 watt max.

    So the kicker tweets already have a built-in x-o?

    hmm maby its just the mids that are distorted, cause come to think of it the songs were the singer has a low voice is when it sounds realy bad.
    And what im mean by distorted is the sound is not clear, can barley here the words, fuzzy (not crackling just fuzzy) ummm not loud enuff to get over the nut bouncing bass maby????
  8. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    get yourself some 100uF caps, 4 of them. put one on each speakers positive wire. This will help things out by not allowing them to play any bass....
  9. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    also how do i get bass from the stock 6" subs (in rear deck ran off fact amp)? caus when i turn the high (cant think of it)high frequency on at the head unit it takes all mid bass away? but w/o it on the rest of the spkres sound like crap. aftermarket amp fix it?
    (srry, i know lil bit bout subs and sub amps, basic hu/amp/sub install, but not much about eq's (and dont judge my IQ lol) and clearing mids n highs up
  10. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    why 4? thers only two + wires one per spkr
  11. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    my bad...thought you were running 4 sets of highs....then 2 will suffice
  12. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    what about the mid bass deal?

    think im sending them back. 1) i can fit a 6.5" spker and 2) anp is cap of 2 ohm...
    so what are some good loud clear but CHEAP 6.5" 2 or 3way ( prefer 3) 2 Ohm spks?
    I would like kicker but open to all (Viking you are smart and been around audio for awile, what brands do you prefer?
  13. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    2 ohm coaxes?????? good luck with that!!!! LOL!

    heres something i found with a quick google search"-2Ohm-Coaxial-Speakers.htm

    good sensitivity, 2 ohms, thats all i can say for them....never heard of them otherwise. I personally have liked A/D/S, Orions, Oz, and a few other cheap off brands that arent around anymore. Is that factory amp a 2 channel or 4 channel????
  14. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    factory amp 2/4 chann lol try 10 (im about 90% sure its a 10 any way. as of right now there are 8 tweeters (2 of them in/on new kickers) then there are 4 mids. completely stock 330ci bmw comes with 6 tweeters (4 front 2 rear) and 4 mids (2f 2r) and just found out it is 10 and each channel has x-overs :(
  15. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    and they dont have to be coaxial. i can always upgrade tweeters also
  16. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    OH BOY!

    One of them thar things....

    Can i interest you in a dodge k-car? it has no amp and only am/fm radio.....really easy to upgrade! LOL!

    OK conner...tell us EXACTLY what you want out of your sytem...

    cause this makes it open to a lot of different ideas and thoughts.

    Quick story here. YEARS ago, we upgraded a beemer. new highs and a sub/amp. the bass was awesome. the highs......sucked. the factory spks sounded better than the aftermarkets.....ya, really. in order to get it to sound better than factory, we ditched the factory amp, installed an aftermarket amp and HU and whooo haaa! it did awesome. I believe it was all Soundstream, HU included...
  17. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    Iv been thinking about a new amp but i realy dont have the $$ right now but if thats what it takes the i guess thats the rout i will have to take.

    thanks for the time and knowlage youv given me.
  18. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    dont give up just yet! Maybe some one else will chime in here and have a good idea! I know a few things, but NOT all of it!
  19. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    I'm not giving up I'm just lost. I'm going to my e46fanatics and ask around and I'll post what they recommend (I will not take credit for it though.) That way if you ever run in to this problem agen you can help the next person down the road.
  20. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    outstanding connerray! Thank YOU!