Crossover and amp

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by flava30, May 4, 2010.

  1. flava30

    flava30 Full Member

    Where do you set your gains and crossover on amp when you add an actice crossover? Do you set all of the amps dials to zero and just use the active x-over controls?
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    you can turn the amp's xover off like you said. the gains should stay where they were when you started. unless your doing both at the same time.

    in that cast start off with the gain low and set your head unit vol to where the mids and highs sound their best defore distortion kicks in, then turn the gain up to match.

    remember the gain is not a volume, its a level matching dail. so you dont want your sub amp maxing out before your headunit gets to a resonable volume. you want it to reach max or less when the head reaches close to its max.