Counter-strike people

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by breathe, May 1, 2002.

  1. breathe

    breathe Full Member

    I just got Counter-Strike last night, and im lost with it, anyone wanna start a caraudiotalk game and the experts help the newbies in it? Then we can all start fraggin. I know old Half-life and TFC, but Counter Strike makes me think.
  2. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    a lower nubee TFC has come to CS
    i like to think of myself as one of the better guys out there, but my vid card died on me and i cannot hold my own only getting 9fps against people with 100

    basically being good is know the maps, find a gun you're comfortable with, use your teams, use g-nades
    knowing the map is always the best

    i like to spectate for a round or 2 before joining a big map to see the opposing teams's stratagies and then go in and set up counter-attacks

    OH YES, the biggie in Turniments if you ever do clans is DO THE MISSION OBJECTIVE

    if you're T, and your job is to protect the hosties, CAMP, it doesnt matter what the other team says or bitches at you, you're not camping if its your objective

    the goal in turnys has nothing to do with kills, its team wins, remember that

    also remember that its more lifelike than TFC, you cannot go 2 on 1 IN MOST situations and expect to win, if both opponents are even a little compitent you're dead

    pm me for any mroe questions
  3. breathe

    breathe Full Member

    Okay ive created a game for any caraudiotalk people interested, do i need to post my ip so people can find it? Or can they find it by name?

    Server name

  4. One Eyed Jack

    One Eyed Jack Full Member

    counterstrike is fucking gay
    VERY over-rated.
  5. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    give me an ip
  6. breathe

    breathe Full Member

    eh maybe later on, i got tired and just tried some games with experts, i got my ass kicked. Now off to eat pop tarts.
  7. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    When I had my cable modem I used to play it a lot but now I plat it once a month when I got to an internet cafe.
    Last time I played I was 59-8 with a 2 on 3 game. My team had 2.
    For CT i use the Carbine(i believe) and for the T I use an AK-47 and pick up the carbine from the people I kill.
  8. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member