which do you think is the best? http://www.woofersetc.com/index.cfm...b7fe67b89-BCD926E0-1422-7C6E-501CD4518A135090 http://www.woofersetc.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=1091 or http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_6583.html which?
if you can go to a shop that has those brands to listen to them yourself. if you can't.i've heard nothing but good things about the MB's.
Id say MB as the first chioce, but aint heard them in a long time, but were always a good speaker, Jl would have to be my second, because the third choice, well, where the hell did they come from??
I vote for MB Quart....because I have the MB Quart RAA2400 2 channel amp it fuking kickes ass and sounds soo good...better sound quality than kenwood
What about these? Someone ranted and raved about these in another forum. They are $600 speakers (discontinued) on sale. He said ADS is top of the line. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...MEWA:IT&viewitem=&item=280042325247&rd=1&rd=1
i didnt think they still made speakers.back in the day they were the shiit.even thier amps were rated top notch. i wish i could find one of their 8ch amps.i read a review on one.was rated at 45 or so watts per ch.actually put out 62 or something like that.also had a built in xover. its been some time since i read it.so i could be off on my numbers a bit.