Cheapest Place To Purchase A 750mp?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Civic96, Apr 24, 2004.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Exactly what the title says. Preferably authorized

    I saw people asking if there would be problems with a HU with 6v Preouts and an amp that has 4v Preouts. I did not see the question answered and I may sound like an idiot asking it, lol.
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Crutchfield would be the Best online dealer authorized

    "cheapest authorized price" that is a Oxymoron

    Pioneer requires all Dealers to Advertise at the same price

    so there is no way to "shop around" with authorized dealers
  3. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    there isn't any place online that sells the premier line authorized

    that is why crutchfield and sound domain don't carry them
  4. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    The only difference b/w the lines is the 6v Preouts right?
    Ill get a P7500mp then. I still cant find a good place to buy one
  5. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    yes, the 7500mp has 4v outs

    i used ikesounds to pricematch at SD for $198 shipped
  6. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    and now neither one of them has any for sale and the cheapest place I can find is $240 plus shipping. How much does that sucks?

    How are the loading times?
  7. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    about 7-8 seconds to load a new disk

    a few seconds in between folders, and inbetween songs is about the same as a regular CD

    way faster than my old 740, took about 15 seconds to load the disk and almost 10 seconds inbetween also seemed like it varied from disk to disk, the 7500 however, is more uniform
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    why not get the 7600?? the load times are evn faster

    you waited too long to take advantage of Closeouts from Authorized dealer, your olny chance now is to Go to the Local Shops and see if they have any left
  9. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    The 7600 has 2v Preouts, Mike. Isnt that pretty damn shitty?

    I can get the P750mp for 250 or the p860mp for 380 from 6th Ave. I dont know if I want to dish out that much money for the 860 though
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    unimportant IMO ;)
  11. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Are you saying that there wont be a difference in sound b/w a unit with 6v and a unit with 2v Preouts?

    Seth, what do you have to say about this. Im getting so many mixed repsonses its driving me nuts!!
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    depends on the Other Equipment
    the Higher preout Voltage the Less Gain need and thus the Less Noise Induced

    but it is my Personal OPINION, and experance that once you get over 2v there is little to no audible Differance unless your Amp is speically made for todays higher Preout Levels
  13. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Mike, Will be 2v preouts be sufficient or should I focus on finding a unit with 4v preouts. I dont want to downgrade from my Alpines 4v Sub preouts to the Pioneer's 2v Sub preouts.
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I have nave let Preout Voltage Be the Sole Deciding Factor

    so I will leave you with this

    is the ONLY thing preventing you from buyng the Pioneer is the Preouts I would not worry about it, however if there is other units out there that meet your need with Higher Preouts go for that one

    I dont know enough about your Situation to make a good Call here, I dont know what Made you Select the 750 over the 1000,s of other units out their

    Until I have more Knowlege I can not make a Good Recommendation

    there will be a Few that will be on here shortly to Disagree with my position, they have in the Past, so take what I for what it is an OPINION.

    when your dealing with sound, what I say matters not, only what you HEAR matters
  15. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Agree... The output voltage should not be the only deciding factor. IMO it
    shouldn't be A deciding factor in the first place...
  16. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I interested in Alpine and Pioneer headunits. I was leaning toward pioneer because I currently own an Alpine and want to give the other company a chance. My friend has a 7400mp and the sound quality is very good. He has a mercedez though, and I assume his speakers are far superior to mine. Whats really funny is that the 750s are selling for more than the 760s and that pretty much says it all.

    Although the Pioneers have "nifty" screensavers I like the overall look of the Alpine Hus much more. They just seem like more solid units IMO. Im willing to spend an extra 100 dollars + my alpine 7893, so that gives me about $300 dollars.
    I like the 860mp but its a little out of my pricerange. The Alpine 9833 is really nice also, but I dont know if I can find one for that cheap.

    Decisions, Decisions.................
  17. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Just save up the cash and get whatever head unit you want. Why not put in the Alpine you have now till you can save up the cash. :)
  18. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Dont feel like wasting energy putting it in and out. Its already on ebay anyways.
    If anything, I will just save up the cash like you said. Havent had bass for so long that I cant even remember what it supposed to feel like :D
  19. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Oh no! The withdrawl symptoms... :D

    Looks like I've got a buyer for my current sub and amp, and I dont want to get a box for the Brahmas and not have it fit in the WRX I'm hoping get next month. So it looks like I wont have bass for a few weeks. :angry: