Ces Next Year!!!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Dec 24, 2003.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Alright guys...

    We have somewhat discussed this years and next years CES get togethers...

    Who really wants to get together and get a room (or Suite if we get enough)? I think we all could have a blast. For those of you who have never been to Vegas, the town in and of itself is a blast. But to add to the excitement, CES and the Adult Industry are all there at the same time :blush: ...

    Lot's of stuff to do/see that week...

    And it gives us all an excuse to gett together.

    Who is interested in going next year, and getting a room as a group? If we get enough people we'll get it set up. If not... oh well, it was worth a shot anyways.
  2. TalNLnky

    TalNLnky Full Member

    I'm intrested... really can't say if i'll be there or not, but if i had a clue (ballpark) what its gonna cost to stay per night i'd have a much better idea as if i'd be able to come or not.

    I live up in WA, so Easy E & I might be traveling together... if we both can make it next year.
  3. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I'll of course be interested.

  4. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    i'm interested... not sure if i'll be able to go and all... :(
  5. TalNLnky

    TalNLnky Full Member

    talked to Easy, and he said he's gonna be renting a house this year... and prolly next year too, so with any luck, i won't have any major emergencies this year and will have the money saved up, shouldn't be a problem as long as i have a place to stay, and plane tickets aren't too bad (thank god for SouthWest), guess i could drive if it came down to it... but dang.. thats a 16-22hr drive depending on how badly i speed, and traffic, and any stops i take.
  6. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    If I have my house by next year you guys will be welcome to stay. My roomate isnt really into weird people coming over or I would say no problem now.

    Plus next year I will be 21 so I will be able to go with you guys to the clubs and such.
  7. FocalEnthusiast

    FocalEnthusiast Full Member

    Are the dates set for next year yet?

    I know I'm going to be in the Bahamas for January 1-7/8, but I really NEED to go this. I'm off of school till the 14th of January, hopefully it'll be in between the two.

    If we can all make arrangements relatively soon, we'll save alot if we make reservations soon. I just went to check prices, and they won't (hotwire and hotels.com) make reservations more than a year in advance.

    I'll be flying from Buffalo. I know Chris E. (geolemon) lives here too(for now atleast)...Anyone else?
  8. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I probably won't be making my reservations for at least several months...

    But we should keep this in mind, possibly in 3-6 months we should be looking for bargains, on either airfare (post any promotions you find!) or accomodations (ditto!), so that we can take advantage.

    The only other catch is... to get tickets to CES, you need to be associated with industry.
    Between myself, Seth and Michael, we probably have enough open positions for publicists, photo-journalists, and research agents (wink).

    We could get organized to prepare for this...
    Have a central repository somewhere (have some elected "keeper of data") with all our Email and phone numbers, and if something is found, we could all be contacted.
    The catch would be, if a great deal were found, we'd need to know then who would be interested, and collect up money then... so everyone would have to be prepared to instantly PayPal (or whatever) the person acting as the travel agent the money, so they could make the reservations.

    Sound like a plan?
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Also Remember I have 4 Legal Business Names I can Send people under ;)

    American Audio
    Xtreme Electronics
    Osprey Business Services (CES is not use car audio so this one is vaild)
    Osprey Development (this is not pubic yet, but will be by then ;) )

    Plus I can Go under the CarAduioTalk, and HomeAudioTalk Flags for Non-Profit Ventures B)

    So I am more then Equiped to send people, all I ask is PICTURES and lots of them, if I can not go

    All Depends on what goes donw at my Crew meeting next month
  10. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    i WILL be going...but ive already arranged for a ticket for myself.

  11. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    You do not need to really be associated with any company. Just make up a company name and preregister. They will mail you your badge without checking anything. Same thing for SEMA.

    Or if you are picking up your badge(for SEMA at least) you can just make up some fake business cards. I know some people who have done this.
  12. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    True, but we got enough people on this board involved in the industry to make it so you don't have to risk being rejected. That would suck to pay for the flight, the room, the food (drinks are free :p ) and all that just to be turned back from the rerason you went out there to begin with...

    No, wait, there is the gambleing and the adult entertainment convention there as well :p
  13. DanWiggins

    DanWiggins Full Member

    Don't forget that if you get enough people together, you can rent a house for a very affordable rate. Like $150-$180 per person, total. Nothing like 4 nights for $40 a piece, and you have a much more comfortable experience...;)

    Dan Wiggins
    Adire Audio
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    in order to get your Holder you must Check in with CES, and you must present proof of affilation with a company

    they dont ship the holders, only badges, and you must get a holder to enter

    so yes you do have to be affiated,

    however this is much more lax than it use to be
  15. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    I should know by mid-year if i'll be able to go or not.... ;)
  16. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    As of right now I am most definitely interested. Unfortunately too many things can happen within that time for me to make a definite confirmation.
  17. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Oh, it's only a year.
    Sneeze and you'll miss it. :lol:

    Make it a new-year's resolution. ;)
  18. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    CES 2005 January 6-9, mark your calanders
  19. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I am going to go for no other purpose than to Aurge with you face to face over the purpose of "Drive by" Compitions B) ;) :p
  20. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    I'm definitely interested!!!! Although I'm not sure Seth is going to want me there after the CAP fight, LOL. :)