cell phone antenna booster claims are fraudulant

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by superman, Feb 21, 2002.

  1. superman

    superman Guest

    A T.V. news station took one of those cell phone antenna boosters to a scientific testing facility, and after rigorous testing did not find ANY boost in antenna signal. I know that you may not be REALLY surprised, but at least it is now official, at least this is proof enough for me to not get one. They also deemed thos stick on rings that you put on the cell phone to deflect radiation away from your head are also fraudulant in there claims, in fact the government is taking the company that is making them to court. I really wonder how much money was sunk into these products by consumers over the last year, I bet millions. I hate it when companies take advantage of ignorant consumers!!:fgay:
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    What type of test did the TV station doI know most cell phones are now on Digital netwoks and those cell phone boosters only "work"n analog stuffI dont if they truly work or not but I know analog signals can be boost easly(look at the FM ant boosters) but digital is much harder to do
  3. superman

    superman Guest

    hmmmm, what you're saying would make a lot of sense, I actually must have missed it if they explained if they were testing both digital and analog. Also now that I think of it they didn't say if they were testing the cell phones outward signal, or the amplitude of the incoming signal. Hmmmmm, I guess I should have payed more attention, hindsight is 20/20 though :rolleyes:
  4. toid

    toid Full Member

    But they work in elevators right?
    they say they work in elevators...
    Did they say they tested it in an elevator?
    Betcha they didn't...If the'd have tested in one it woulda worked.
    Because they said so.

    NOTE For the stupid reader: I'm being sarcastic.
  5. OutKlast

    OutKlast New Member

    No one tell Ghettoboy who bought 500 and is trying to pawn em' off for $5.99 a piece.
  6. superman

    superman Guest

    yeah poor ghettoboy.
  7. striker754

    striker754 Guest

    Hopefully he won't come to the forum.