Car Was Broken into!!!!!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Civic96, Nov 10, 2002.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I hate and their need to be ghetto, those fucking scum bag dick sucking fags. I go to see 8 mile with a girl and was actually surprised by how good the movie was. All about ghetto life to come out and find my car window smashed. Those fuckers broke into my car for a fucking 50 dollar Xplod HU. My alarm didnt do shit. These dumb fuckers were too stupid to take it out normally so they smashed everything. Anythign and everything near the HU was broken. Half the A/C vents were broken. They searched the whole car and threw my paper work everywhere. They got away with my eminem CD, those fucking fucks. Dirty piss me off so much. I personally would like to thank the stupid Pigs for never being there when you need them to be. My turning signals no longer work, and I will find more shit wrong in the morning. If I would have had subs in there they would be gone as well. So I got lucky on that. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Die you fucking low lives !!!!!
    Die Die Die Die Die.....................SO mad.

    Mike sorry for not posting this offtopic. Im so so so so mad right now. Those fuckers deserve to be shipped back to their countries in a cage and cancel their welfare checks.
  2. Griff

    Griff Guest

    You cant condemn a whole race of people because of one person, calm down, edit your post and think about what your saying and the ramifications it may have.
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Agreed and edited.

    They broke your 4 way switch (hazzard flasher switch) that is why the turn signals don't work.

    Insurance man, insurance.
  4. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    I cant afford insurance above basic PLPD..... no theft :(

    That blows man. Im sorry that happened. But on the bright side of things, youll soon be the owner of a shiny almost new Z9000
  5. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I cant condem a whole race but I can tell you that they are the only ones doing it. Well Im more calm now.......You just dont understand the damage they did ripping it out. My car looks like it came out of a junkyard from the inside. Talking about it is making me mad Il stop
  6. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Agreed and edited.

    They broke your 4 way switch (hazzard flasher switch) that is why the turn signals don't work.

    Insurance man, insurance.[/b][/quote]
    I have a 500 dollar deductible so I dont know how much they are going to help
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I have a 500 dollar deductible so I dont know how much they are going to help[/b][/quote]
    I think your confused

    if you have Full Coverage there are 2 deducts


    Comp is the Theft,Vandlizim etc

    I have a $250/$0 Policy

    Meaning I have a $250 Collion Deductable and a $0 comp deductable

    also I have an addon Policy with a $0 deduct for my stereo, as the normal policy only covers factory or factory upgrade items, such as a CD Player or Upgraded Speakers not my subs and amps
  8. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I going by what my dad told me since he is the one that set the insurance up.

    Im pretty sure we only have one deductible :(
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    if you have full coverage you have two

    they may be the same, if they are GET IT CHANGED

    $500 for Comp is ludicris I would never have over $750/$250 coverage
  10. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    damnit man that sucks

    im lucky i have 100/100 detuctable

    i called them cuz i was worried about when i get my new system in

    they said as long as it is in the car, no matter what, not even bolted down, its covered under the 100$ deductable for full replacement cost =)

    i dont know what the original post said, but calm down man, i feel for you, ive had one of my cars broken into before, its not fun
  11. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Sandt thanks for the quick fix solution my signals are back in working order :p

    Everything else blows and I have to drive to school tommorow with a bandaged window. :(
  12. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    That really sucks Civic. I got comprehensive (I think thats it) inshurance on my new car. They told me I have to bold down the box and put the head unit in the dash. Where else do you put a head unit? :eek:
  13. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Hey Bob I finally agree with your avatar. My altezza lights fucked me roayally in the ass. The only reason they chose my car was because they know we spend money on stereos. :(

    They still look nice so Im not that mad at them.
  14. bonne-man

    bonne-man Full Member

    sorry to hear that man, that really sucks, i had that happen to me last year, but i got out of it good in the end, got a beeter car, and now i am builidng up a new system :)
