Capacitors: parallel or series?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Hautewheeler, May 30, 2006.

  1. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    Allright.. I know I'll get flak for using capacitors, but don't worry.. the HO alt and second battery are in the works. I actually finished painting the tray today.

    My question is this: I have two 1.5 farad caps that I'm going to hook up, and I was wondering a couple of things. I see that most of the competition guys hook up the caps in parallel, but what if you hook them up in series? It would be 3 farad, right? any problems with doing it this way?

    and is it better to hook the caps up under hood (closer to the battery) or in cab (closer to the amp?). I know there's a heat issue with caps.

    I'm not intending to use them to "add power" to the system, just tired of seeing my voltmeter dance and my lights dim.
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Well im not sure what would happen if you wired them in series but I do know that it is better to mount them as close to the amp is possible.
  3. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    Thanks for the advice anz.., so closer to the amp also means that the ground wire should be as short as possible, right? The manufacturer recommends 14" away from the amp for heat issues, but my amp never gets hot. I also wondered about this:

    There is a vent on top of the cap.. does that mean that these cannot be mounted sideways (or inverted, for that matter)?
  4. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Dont install the caps wired in series!, use them in parrelell, wiring as short as possible and as close to the amp as possible. Thye can be mounted in any direction. But why? why must people use these damn things! they are hard on alternators and do almst NOTHING for amp performance!!!!!! AAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!:)
  5. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    so think I should ditch the caps and just stick with HO alt and new batt?
    Why does everyone talk smack about caps, but they keep showing up in competitions?:confused:
    I used some smaller caps back in the day wired in series and had no problems.
    back when fosgate was good stuff
    back when we had an ozone
    back when............nah..!
    Last edited: May 30, 2006
  6. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Well wheelie have you upgrade your "big three''?
    Upgraded those wires, HO alternator, and new battery will help a whole lot more than just a cap.

    But hell after you get your HO alt, new battery, why not just hook up those caps...i dont think it would hurt any but it would sure make your install look cooler.

    Everyone likes to google eye caps lol
  7. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Ok then......

    here we go....

    Take a cap, discharged, and hook it up to your battery.

    what happens? A nice big spark as it charges instantaniously. Now, why the spark and sudden current draw> cause its a DEAD SHORT in that moment of contact to the battery. This dead short shows up to your alternator also. Alternators DONT like dead shorts!!!!!

    Most REAL amps have enough capacitance in the power suply and outputs to give them all the transient current they need.

    Caps only help in the HIGH END SPL systems, and even then, not much. A daily driving or even a SQ system will not see any benefit from these stupid things. they only help with destroying an already overloaded electrical system.

    Money is far better spent on an upgraded alternator, first and foremost. Dont even put in an extra battery until you have an alternator that can keep up with the electrical load you have.

    And caps...........well, send me the money for them and I will send you backsome jello pudding precharged with 12volts, and i guarantee that it will hit .000003 Db higher, same as a cap........
  8. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    I don't know- viking.. My install is already tight enough, but hey.. I guess there's always room for jello, huh?:p

    Thanks for the great advice guys.. You are a handy bunch of dudes..

    okay.. so I think that my intentions for these caps might be a bit misconstrued. I'm not trying to make my system louder with these.. It's loud enough (wanna see? )and I don't plan on doing any competitions. I just used that as a starting point for a question. I wanna make my ammeter (voltmeter) stop dancing, lights quit dimming, blower motor stop spooling down, etc.. possible or no?
    Last edited: May 31, 2006
  9. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    I would recommend the installation of the largest, highest output alternator that will fit your truck. The bigger the better. Then and only then the second battery should be installed. With that combonation, it should show much less the effects of your amps on your electrical system.

    But, even with all those electrical upgrades, if you are pushing enough power, eventually the system voltage will drop in your vehicle to the point where the lights start dimming again.

    This problem will be most evident when you are sitting around in the parking lot idleing with your truck going boom boom for 30 minutes or so. Even a high output alternator only puts out a fraction of its full current at idle.

    If your vehicle starts to dimm the lights with every beat, that means TURN THE VOLUME DOWN!!!!!!!! :)
  10. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Dont forget to upgrade the:
    -Alt to battery wire
    -Batter to chassis wire
    -and engine block to chassis wire

    All with wire as big or bigger than the stock wire.

    This will greatly improve the charging system
  11. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Good advice! I forgot to mention that!!!!!!:)
  12. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    No prob...we all got each others backs
  13. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    okay. I'll get a bigger alternator - Gosh! (turn head like napoleon!):D