Calling For More Volanteers

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Mar 29, 2004.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well I did this awhile back,

    and I am doing it again

    I need some help, not money help I am doing pretty good there for a change B) :p , but I would like some CONTENT help

    First I need all the Current Staff memebers to Reply here with their Status, some of you have been out of Touch, and I want to make sure your all still here and willing to continue to support this site

    even though I am no active here as much as I should be, I have not abandoned this site, I have too much in it to stop now.. if I go out, I will go out with a Bang, and this site is not "bangy" :lmfao: enough yet

    So if your a Mod, Developer, or Smod, Please "report for Duty" if you would rather not be let me know and your status will be removed when the new site launchs sometime in April/May time frame

    Next, I need people to provide me with content I can use on the site, Tutorials you have written, Photos YOU have taken, anything that will help add function, and draw people in

    I am working on having a much large Feature base, one that no other car audio site currently has, closest comptitor will be RealCarAudio.

    But My main Focus is Web Design right now, i dont really have the time to write all of the tutorials myself

    It is easy to Link to them, but I want to be a one stop shop for EVERYTHING

    if you interested PM, email, or reply here with the topic you would like to write on, that way we dont get 10 tutorials on how to wire DVD subs B) ;) :p

    Also any suggestion are more that welcome, I built this site for YOU, not for me
  2. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

  3. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Planning to get a car real soon now... will have pics of my install after I finish it then....

    As for tutorials, we could make up a list of proposed topics... and get ppl to pick and choose what to write, etc... and/or cut and paste from our threads here...
  4. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    ah, we wouldn't let you write them anyway, Michael...
    We'd want the spelling to be correct. :p
    (nice spelling in this post, btw! B) )

    I might have a couple concepts jotted down.. in fact, some nearly complete documents...
    I'm working on completely reworking my personal website from the ground up, making it a little easier to navigate, and adding all kinds of new content to it, informational stuff...
    My motivation? So I don't have to type so damn much every time people ask the same old questions over and over... :p

    So, I'm guessing some of those type of articles would fit right in?
    Or maybe you'd just prefer to link to my pages on my personal page directly, from here?
    It seems like maintenance would be easier that way... if I chose to reword something on it, etc.
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well Depending on how you redo you site I might beable to hack up a Importation Scheme to import what ever you type in to this site.......

    Ofcourse you site will be linked to

    I have arrangements with a couple of other car audio resources in include their articals in exchange for link placments ;)
  6. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    I will be doing some sound dampening and a magic 3 upgrade in the near future that I could take pics and write a little something on. I also have had a bit of experience with working with fiberglass and could give tips on that if you need it. Other than that I am pretty useless :)
  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I got my enclosure tutorial, and I suppose I could create some more. As long as there is no set timeframe (as I told you in the PM, springtime brings on alot of catch-up work for me).
  8. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Hey hey, I'm still here! :)

    I dont have much of anything except that Crystal VS DEI Viper component set review in the review section. :huh:

    BTW you should probably put a $0 after the "I donated" part under my name. Makes it look like I'm a nice guy.
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    that feature is being updated in the new Version
  10. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Ok cool, If you ever need a moderator I'm availible.
  11. PimpinD

    PimpinD Full Member

    i got some pictures of my install and that of a pretty sick mini cooper with suicide doors. I also have a slide show from Hot Import Nights 2002
    lemme know if u want them.
  12. MMats4life

    MMats4life Full Member

    hey mike...
    i have my new site going up at the begining of next week and will no longer have the tutorials, if you would like you can completely transfer them to your site along with all the photos. I have the kickpod one... the xterra one, headrest one, and tweeter mount one. Just give me some credit and a link to my site and they are all yours. Feel free to change content or layout to suit your needs. email me if you have any questions.