CAF (sorry Michael)

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by marquisgt, May 1, 2002.

  1. marquisgt

    marquisgt Full Member

    But common.... anyone know what's going on here? Heard anything from Lee? Forums down again, for those who didn't know.....

    I'm in pain here.
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    CAF is ALWAYS down

    get use to it,

    ILLCOMM Full Member

    Re: Re: CAF (sorry Michael)

  4. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    alright no flaming here or Ill bust out the big guns:grenade: :rocket: :uzi: :sniper: :ak47: :smash: :stickpoke :whackit: :urine:
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Re: Re: Re: CAF (sorry Michael)



    it is down at least once a week

    Plus it appears that lee is changing host


    illcomm, I love caf I think it is a great place but if you are saying is has not had a problem with that servier in the past you must not go there often, I have over 6000 posts I KNOW he has a problme with his host
  6. nosduj

    nosduj Full Member

    everytime i need something answered really fast, CAF is down, but when im just killing time, then it works just fine...ITS JUST NOT RIGHT!!!:urine:
  7. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    Dman Mike what have you been doing today, it looks like a damn CNN news board here now. lol :rolleyes:
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I was board, just tring to get some conversations starting but either no one cares or no one is old enough to know wtf I am talking about I can not decide which
  9. jlylereeves

    jlylereeves Full Member

    I think the latter is the case, most likely causing the first

    ILLCOMM Full Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: CAF (sorry Michael)

    ...6000 posts in a short amount of time

    in one capacity or another i've been using CAF since the ISE days back in late 99 and 2000. back then the forum had serious problems. now, though, its a completely different story. Aside from 2 isolated incidents in the past few weeks CAF has been very reliable.

    you know, as well as i do, serving pages isnt always easy when you have a problematic ISP. it seems that has become the case. Lee himself explained the outage 2 weeks ago as a problem with the ISP accusing the site of improper requests. This, in fact, was a mistake. So, if he's switching providers thats a good thing...

    i know you've got your own thing going on here but CAFs got a lot more active users right now and you grew up on the it some respect.
  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CAF (sorry Michael)

    I have never once disrespected CAF

    you are disrespecting me on MY forum and I dont like it too much

    I vist caf ALL the time and it is out AT LEAST oncer a week some times for only a couple of hours some times longer

    the Fact that I have so many posts in such a short period of time show that I am more active there than you are so who is more likly to see these outages you or me?
  12. marquisgt

    marquisgt Full Member

    Well, I'm a newbie here, but not at CAF.....

    I've only seen the forum down for any extended period of time twice now, and just recently. I remember the old days on the really-real old server where ISE ruled the land.... hopefully Lee is changing hosts again. It doesn't seem the current one can handle the volume the forum has come to see lately.

    Anywayz, hope she's up soon!
  13. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CAF (sorry Michael)

    one would assume that you have a TON of spare time........

    ILLCOMM Full Member

    Michael - i like what you've got going on here...

    as long as you're not disrespecting the CAF we're cool...
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CAF (sorry Michael)

    unfortunatly that is true, sales are slow there for I can do must of my business work in a relitivly small amout of time, I am looking to supplement my income though by finding a job on the side of my web site and I am going to start working on my camaro since it is getting warmer now
  16. Syzygy

    Syzygy Full Member

    I dont know what that thread was about, but I always support intellectual discussion. That is one thing I HATE about CAF, there are soooo many stupid, pointless, time wasting threads. This is not only in Waste Of Time but also in General where hordes of newbies ask the same damn questions and neglect the search feature.
    I also notice a significant down time with CAF's server. I think its even more then one time per week. :rant:
  17. bigbumpin16

    bigbumpin16 Full Member

    POST WHORE!!!!!!!:D
  18. marquisgt

    marquisgt Full Member

    Ok, finally we got some event coverage!

    I'm happy now.
  19. jlylereeves

    jlylereeves Full Member

    :laugh: whoring out his own site, that would be incredible sad if true :laugh:
  20. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    dude his post count is maxed out doesnt move:p