building ported sub enclosure

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by jlanebpc, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. jlanebpc

    jlanebpc New Member

    ok so i know a good bit about car audio wiring ect... my weak point is sub enclosures
    i have 2 12'' ipipe DVC 4 ohm subs and getting a amp to run 1 ohm.. i have a 99 chevy silverado ext cab and i plan to make a box to go on my back seat ( only the driver side ) where it will go under the seat come up and over the seat to basically sit in the seat . but i want to hit low freq. where should i put the port and how big/ long should it be ? pictures would be awesome! i have a drawing sorta.

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  2. soulfly

    soulfly Full Member

    Can you just take out the seat and make the build simpler? since it wont be used anyway?