Breaking In Brahmas

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by explicit6486, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. explicit6486

    explicit6486 Full Member

    What are some rules of thumb I should know?

    Last time, I think I went too hard on her, and that's why I needed to have it reconed...

    How long (in hours.. whatever) should it take to break it in? How can i tell if it's broken in?
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I always suggest just listening to it at moderate levels for a couple weeks... then give 'er a go!!!

    You will hear the differance between the unit when it is broken in and when you first get it. At first they sound almost overly punchy and stiff... When they are settled in they are very relaxed... almost sounding totally effortless... Trust me, you WILL hear the differance
  3. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    I couldnt wait, I cranked them within 2 days of getting them. :oops:
  4. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    why is breaking in such a controversial issue?
    ive heard some people say you should, some people say you shouldnt, some people say the only difference you hear is your ears adapting to the sub
    i personally believe it should be broken in...i would think it would have to get hot and cool down a few times before you should crank it
    i thought someone on this forum said breaking a brahma in took a couple minutes??
  5. explicit6486

    explicit6486 Full Member

    yea.. i'm tryin to be good to em.. but every now and then, i'll crank that shit.. and dammmmn it sounds so, so good. it's pure torture to sit there and listen to em just bump when you know that shit can POUND... so, because of this "adire anxiety", i left my car on playing some bass songs at a medium level.. and by tomorrow, it should be ready to go.. :D
  6. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Long as your battery's not dead.... :D
  7. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    hey hobbes, u a bob and tom fan?? isn't that quote from their cowbell tribute??
  8. objext

    objext Full Member

    It's from a Christopher Walken SNL episode...
  9. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Yeah.... the SNL skit... soooo funny...
  10. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    oh yeah... i thougt it was from one of the two, just guessed wrong...
  11. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    "Before we're done here you'll all be wearing gold plated diapers... NEVER QUESTION BRUCE DICKENSON!"

    Ive got a fever, and the only prescirption is more cowbell!

    Too all of you in the dark, i present you, the cowbell video