Brainstorm Daydream... RIP! 25Hz tapped horn for van

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kryptonitewhite, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    Alright, it came crashing down. I give props to Lil'Mike and dB-Kicker, I never could have pulled this off so it would have always been a daydream and a wish. I started a thread or 2 on the car audio area a long time ago about building a wall with THTs, then recently SoloX 18 THs. Here's the inquery I made April 18th. This is my way of still being able to make a thread since there won't be a build log.

    Jordan Powell

    What would you do?

    Hey Deon, I frequently toy with ideas of what I would do different if I had the opportunity to do another van build from scratch. The one I did was my only build of that magnatude, my 1st wall, first time running multiple subs with multiple amps, first time going active. I will most likely never get to do any of these, but what would you find to be most impressive for a good SQ good SPL vehicle though not out to take 1st place trophies in either category?

    These will never happen, just an "if I hit the Lotto, what would you think would be more fun?"

    6 SoloX 18's, 3 on the bottom, 3 in the middle, slot port on top, 25Hz tuning. 12 2500.1s 2 per Solo.

    3 THTs wide... the big Tuba HTs with 3 Dayton 15's or similar. (How does the CompVX work out in those?) Then I'd only need one, possible 2 amps... single alt not multiple.

    Or, could those house wreckers be modified to fit in the van? One or two? Same 11Hz knee! I dont care that 99.9% off music doesnt reach below 30Hz

    Finally, a tapped horn designed for the CVXs, how ever many woud be most optimal, with about a 25Hz knee.

    Just food for thought for my day dreams. I am happy with what i ended up with, but not blown away by it. Initially my van was to be 110 cubic feet tuned to 15Hz but it almost imploded so i had to build a rear wall, raising the tuning to 25Hz. Since I cut the airspace by more than half and went up almost 1/2 an octave in tuning the IB3s just couldnt stand up to the pressure. The subs I have now seem much better for it, but I think one of my amps was blown before I swapped subs. Being tuned to 23Hz with gobbs of power on tap, dones of displacement, and more than double the airspace most people run for similar drivers I still am not pleased with the amount of output I get from 20Hz-30Hz vs what i get above 30Hz.... though 148dB @ 25Hz isn't anything to sneeze at. I want the sub 30Hz material to be louder than above, but I am guessing I do mid 50's from 30Hz on up.
  2. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    It would have been nice to have my posts acknowledged. It would be nice to get an answer that either yes, it was my idea and thank you...we will make great use of it for an even better cause, or nope, it is just coincidence that when I asked for your opinion on the exact thing you just built that you made no mention that you alread just happened to have the exact same plans, or that you didnt pay any attention to my idea at all back then and then you got approached to do a huge project and suddenly you happened to have the same idea.

    Not only does it suck that my posts were ignored, but to send me 3 private messages gloating about the success of my idea, giving me private Kicker corporation information and asking me not to share, and giving me secret information about my idea's performance that you haven't let out of the bag yet...asking me to sit on it when I confided in you about my idea, you brushed it off, then stole it!

  3. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    You know youre KW when...

    When Fi tries to move it's IB3's to Blue Print Audio because of you and Kicker steals your idea for the 10th Anniversary 9-11 tribute demo vehicle.
  4. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    First off I have never pick and chose or edited anything from anyone.

    Second off, jackass... since you started it with superstar, I made his private message from facebook public because he took my private IDEA (not design as you say, you are correct) and made it very public.

    Third, yes I will be glad to post this up and cross post it, since you were so nice about it.

    Fourth, I might also make his private posts from here public as well if he can't simply say "Yes, I stole your IDEA, but I made actual PLANS and did all the work".

    Superhero? No, I am just KW
  5. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    ^^^^^^ haha :) winning... that is all
  6. kleaver641

    kleaver641 New Member

    definitely! agree to what just had said to other members. :D

    kind regards,

    kurt leaver, LOL!
    "novelty horns!"
  7. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Ultimate low end? Horns? vast depth and dynamic range? Klipch had it right....use the ROOM as an extension of the horn.....

    Me...No replacement for discplacemnt and power....

    I have ONE 12 that will do the same as 4 twelves in a sealed box. ya...really. measured it. though the low end extension is not much below 35 Hz. but a change in tuning could result in much lower bandwidth, at the expense of mechanical and thermal limited power handling... but gain could be very appreciable......depending on the driver.... Ya i played with this kind of stuff 15-20 years ago......
  8. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    Jordan Powell
