brahma problem

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by dna, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. dna

    dna New Member

    Hello everyone
    Let me begin by properly explaining my problem since this topic has been rejected on the adire forum i hope i can talk about it here.

    So in august 2004 my brahma 15 mk1 broke.
    Im not gonne ly about it as i have never donne it was my fault i had put 2 amps on my brahma both around 600 wrms at 2ohm, bet the gains where not set the same on the amps so the one was giving more then the other, result the sub got hot and the gleu that connects the spider too the voice coil melted and the sub did overexcursion witch damaged the voice coil.

    so the sub needed to be reconed therefore i went too my caraudio dealer in Belgium where i live who is on the adire dealerlist btw too get it fixt so far so good he ordered a reconne kitt from adire bet he said it would take a whille as they where on vacation.
    So i waited 2 mounts whent by so i called again and my dealer said the delay had too to be becouse of the relocation off the adire factory witch i looked up and it was treu.
    bet i kept on waiting and nothing so i mailed adire and got there axcuse that they had trouble with there distributor and they would have a new one soon and then the trouble would be gonne.
    so i wait and wait and call my caradio dealer again he said he dounst have contact with adire anymore if he calles he dousnt get trough if he emailed they dount respond so i email them again and they promise me they whill send it in a mount.
    after 2 mounts still nothing so i email them again and recieve nothing so i email dan wiggams explaining my problem i get a short email back he whil contact my caraudio dealer about it.
    Bet he revieves nothing then there hasnt been communication what so ever ive sended many emails as dit my caraudio dealer nothing.
    so 1 mount ago i called adire myself witch is verry expencive for me as im calling from belgium and they persenaly promise me they whil send it the next week and guess what nothing.
    i talked about it on the adire forum many other people had the same problem there bet they closed the tread witch leaves me nowwhere bet too try on this forum.
    So if anyone knows anything that might help or if they are sending reconne kitt too anywhere plz let me know.
    Anyways im verry disapointed in adire for not helping there coustomers and this after such a long time ive been waiting from august 2004 till now and thats just crazy.