Brahma 15 install - sound deadening

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by GheTToBaSS, Dec 27, 2002.

  1. GheTToBaSS

    GheTToBaSS Guest

    This is my first system guys, any help/input is appreciated

    I know this post is rather long and rambling, but I would like to adequately describe may skip straight to the questions if you like.

    I will be getting my whole system installed sometime soon by a highly regarded local car audio shop. For bass I will have the Brahma 15 in the SubZero ABS151 sealed 2.25 cf enclosure, in the trunk of my 94 Acura Legend sedan. The Brahma 15 will be powered off of the Revolution d1500.1 at 1 0hm. For my front stage I will be running the Adire Audio Koda component set installed in the stock door locations. These will be powered by an Arc Audio 2100 cxl amp at 4 0hm Stereo.

    My question is about how much sound deadening to use. The shop said that the trunk has to be sound deadened before the system is installed, becuase it would be impossible/very hard afterwards. So I may just sound deaden only the trunk for now, and leave the rest for later. The thing is shipping for this stuff is mad expensive so I will probably just order all that I need right now. And if I order all of it now, I may also get a cheaper price.

    I will probably either go with eDead or Raammat, the 60 mill versions, becuase they seem like the best product for the best price. So now the question is how much do I order? This is a confusing decision for me because I do want the best sound quality, bass, and midbass out of my system, and also want the ride to be as quiet as possible........and to get all that I would be willing to spend the money. The thing is so far all the money I have spent on my system is not going to be wasted becuase even if I sell the car or something later on, I can always take out the system. But sound deadening probably can not be taken out or re-used, correct? So if I get like 300 sq ft, and spend over $300 it would not be something I can re-use if I happen to sell the I am thinking maybe I should not use that much, and only what is necessary?

    1. How much sq ft does it take to cover the entire trunk in one layer ? It is a rather large trunk..............I can probably fit two of these ABS151 enclosures in there, lol.

    2. And then how much sq ft for each door in one layer if I want to do both the inner plastic panel, and also the metal skins of the door?

    3. And would I also want to do the floor and ceiling of the car? How much sq ft for one layer on each of these? Remember its a large car.........would it help or make a big difference to do these?

    4. Would it help much or make a big difference to do 2 or 3 layers? How much is too much? Or after how many layers is it not beneficial/practical to do anymore ? I need to know becuase I want to order all that I will need right now.............I wouldn't mind doing even 200-300+ sq ft on the whole car as long as it does make a big difference and help.......but I just need to know now to order it all so I don't have to waste $30-50 on shipping costs twice or more.

  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    100 sq ft should do it. I used and like B-quiet extreem, $130 for 100 sq ft. B)
  3. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    well its hard to sey how many sq ft. you need for each guess anywhere form 150 to 200 to do a very good job.

    and no you most likely woundt be able to re use the stuff.

    i used stormguard i just did a review of it here i doubled up onthe floor bc the second layer really helped out...its was about 60 bucks for 200 sq feet... i would recomend using that on the floor and door and the bottom of the could use it on the cealing but i would use something else that doesnt need to be heated to stick.

    but i would say 2 layers would probaly work pretty well of whatever you use one you get past that it gets too thick and the carpet wont fit on properly...

    sandt...what the website for that stuff? how well does it stick to a roof?
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Ahhh, here it is. I was looking for this.

    It works well. I have it on my roof and trunklid. I used the B-Quiet Xtreem. I had to do some learning, I dropped my first layer in the heat, but I always learn from my mistakes. I tried a couple things and got it to work, so chris, I will pass on my experiance ;) .

    This stuff is great. I really like it. Big rolls, 40 feet X1.5 feet for the 50 square foot packs. It is not nessicary to do all this for side panel mounting as I have had no issues with it, but for overhead it is. First, clean the surface (all you need is soap and water, alcohol is not nessicary, but if you'ld like it works well). I suggest you do this on a fairly cool day as it likes to adhear better on a cool surface. Place the sheet over the surface and firmly apply (I like to use a rag on my fingers, it allows you to fill the ridges and corners better than a shitty roller). Then, use a hair drier and heat the center. Begin pressing the mat with the rag doubleb over your fingers (the material will get warm!!!) following the hair drier as it heats the material. I used long single lines in an III type pattern, and of course altered the pattern to fill gaps. You will feel the tar become soft under your fingers and see it bulge out the ends slightly when you are doing it right. It has endured a scorching hot summer here in the Southeast with no issues whatsoever.
  5. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    well thats good....i think the storm guard would stick just fine but i kidna wanted to stay wawy from something that once got kinda 'tary' once heated up bc i was fearful that in the heat and humidity in down here that it would become 'tary' and begin to fall off or sag. but i think i may give it a whirl....
  6. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    SWEETJESUS!!! Thats your FIRST system??? :eek: Excellent coice in equiptment!

    Make sure to reseal that box, I dont trust prefab boxes.
  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Hey, if you want to see some, I could drop a small sample in an envelope and send it your way. Not a big chunk, but a few inches worth to get an idea of what the stuff is like. I am going to do some more deadening yet and I know I have some scraps.
  8. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Hey, if you want to see some, I could drop a small sample in an envelope and send it your way. Not a big chunk, but a few inches worth to get an idea of what the stuff is like. I am going to do some more deadening yet and I know I have some scraps.[/b][/quote]
    that would be great...
  9. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    PM me your address chris, I'll drop some in the mail by this coming weekend.