Newbie question, but what the heck caused my Sony Amp to shut down? I'm assuming it's a breaker that pops at a certain level of power going through it. Only problem is that I'm not running it all that loud! I have it connected to one sub and a couple of front speakers. Nothing fancy at all, but it tends to shut down at about half volume. This is about as loud as my other vehicle with a STOCK stereo! (1994 Toy, somethig is definitely wrong) Any ideas? :huh: If I shut off the head, then it returns to run the amp without issue, only to shut down again if I don't turn it down some. Thanks!
first off every one here will tell you that sony makes crap amps.sorry all. i beat you to it! what impedence do you have your speakers running?and what is your gain set at? does it have enogh room to it too hot to touch when it shuts down? let us know then we can further assist you.
Not too happy with the head either, but that's what I got. Man... you're talking mumbo jumbo to me... I have no clue what that stuff means. I'll check if it's overheating though.
It shuts down with volume? How long does it stay off before it comes back on? How long does it work before it shuts off? a minute? ten minutes? more? If it shuts off after a minute I don't think its likely its overheating. I wonder if we have a speaker problem. Need more info
The amps arent the only thing that they make thats poor quality. Id add in the speakers and subs too.
Just the AMP... comes back on as soon as I shut off the head, and turn it back on. Only happens of the volume is up a bit. It shuts down with volume? - Only if the volume is up more than half way.. not much! How long does it stay off before it comes back on? Won't turn back on until I shut of the head How long does it work before it shuts off? a minute? ten minutes? more? Until I turn off and on the head If it shuts off after a minute I don't think its likely its overheating. Won't shut off at all unless the volume is up half way. I wonder if we have a speaker problem. Hummm... should I look at the wires? Seems like a braker issue in the AMP to me... but I don't know much about this stuff. THANKS!!!
OK, the amp is going into protect. Now we need to know why. Disconnect both speakers. Turn on the radio and turn it up. Does the amp stay on? If the amp shuts off we have an amp problem. If it stays on, hook up one speaker. Does the amp turn off or stay on. If it shuts off, we might have a bad speaker. Check the Gain or Level control on the amp. If its turned up all the way turn it down to about half way and try again. Now does the amp stay on or shut off. If it shuts off we have a speaker problem. Only check one speaker at a time this way. I am assuming that all connections to the amp are good. Power and ground wires are the right size and the ground is actually bolted down to metal, not just rapped around something.
Do you own a digital volt meter?? If not borrow one...Set your meter to DC volts on a scale of <20 volt....Connect the ground lead (black) of the meter to the battery ground..Put the red lead on the amp power terminal...What does it read? If it drops down real low when amp shuts off, you have a bad power lead...It should read 12-12.6 with engine off....If that is good, move the red lead of the meter to the remote turn on wire...See what that reads, before and after shut down...Does it drastically change? If so, the wire or signal from the head unit is bad...If ok, put the red meter lead on the ground for the amp (leave the black meter lead connected to the battery negative)...What does it read?? It should read zero...If not, the ground is bad...Try grounding to a better source.... Willy