What is the Best Valuewise and Manufacture Quality/Life Expectancywise NTFS USB Hard Drive Compatible Head Unit on the market? Ideally, I would like to find one that is very well compatible with many hard drives. But all that's really required is that it's compatible with a good value/reliability and size hard drive (at least 80 Gb, hopefully 160 Gb). My last head unit was a Jensen, and when the electrical connection between the nonremovable faceplate and the player went bad, it was impossible to repair because of the "Sandwiched" soldered circuit board construction (it's impossible to get at the bad spot with a soldering iron without destroying the unit.) I'm hoping to avoid the unit failing in the first place, but if it does I'm hoping for it to be designed in such a way that it can be repaired, instead of becoming garbage. I suspect that head units are made in this cheap crappy way, but anyone knows of some that are not which are still affordable, I would greatly appreciate a tip-off about that. Thanks, any help is much appreciated.