Basslink installed, next................

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by under200, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. under200

    under200 Full Member

    Wanted to thank everyone who helped me out picking the basslink. It did really fill up my sound and add the much needed bass. Only slight gripe is that is is a tad boomy when listening to metal and hard rock. Really sweet when listening to smooth jazz or acoustic. Anyhow I am happy with it.
    But wow did it bring out the weakness in my fronts. They sound weak. My whole sound stage is coming from behind me. For my set up: Pioneer 7800mp hu, Infinity ref. 6 1/2 front and Infinity ref. 6x9 rear. All speakers but sub powered by the hu. Even though the front and back are ref. series the front sound weak, the rear sounds great. Even when I shift the sound to only the front they sound empty and really low volume. I am 100% they are hooked up correct.
    The guy at the shop even said the front sounded like crap. He recommended getting some eclipse sp6500 6 1/2 for the front. They have tweets that can be removed from the woofer and placed up higher in the window sails. Hw said this would sound greatly better. Opinions?? Anyone have these. I know many people spend thousands on their system but for me this is getting kinda pricey in retrospect. If this will cure the weak sound I will take the leap. but just want to be sure.

  2. weird22person

    weird22person Full Member

    Have you unhooked the rear speakers? The 6x9s probably just overpower your 6.5s. Is this an OK thing to do guys?

    Edit. Are those components or coaxils?
  3. CadillacETC1997

    CadillacETC1997 Well-Known Member

    upgrade your front components get a set of infinity perfects (i have a brand new set for 200) and amp them. should bring the stage up front much better. and about the basslink sounding boomy at some music buy the bass adjuster knob and use it to turn down or up the bass according to your music
  4. under200

    under200 Full Member

    Yep, they are coaxials. I need to check the box for the bass adjuster but am sure I don't need to use it since I can control the level from my hu. The hu has many seperate subwoofer controls including level. I hear you on the amp but was really hoping to get something that could be easily powered by the hu and sound good.

  5. CadillacETC1997

    CadillacETC1997 Well-Known Member

    egh you could however runnin off an amp would sound much cleaner
  6. Chanders

    Chanders New Member

    The real question should be "why are you listening to smooth jazz or acoustic?"
  7. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Try this, reverse the phaseing to your sub or if easier, to your rear speakers and front speakers. Alot of times throwing the sub 180 degrees out of phase can reallt smooth out response. Yep, its true.

    Otherwise you need to cross-over your highs so as not to play into the bass regions.

    yep, that helps ALOT too............

    Just a couple of easy fixes to try..............
  8. under200

    under200 Full Member

    Thanks everyone. I took the leap and got some new front speakers. I cannot believe what a difference the Eclipse 6500's- Eclipse 6.5" 2 way's made. I attribute 2 things to their superior sound to the Infinity's. First I feel they are built better and the tweeter material is light years ahead. Although the numbers don't agree I feel the Eclipse speakers are way more efficent than the Infinity's. Second, the Eclipse's are a poor mans component. The tweeter seperates from the mid driver and can be mounted anywhere, I had mine put up in the door sail. I am blown away by the sound now. I can now tell good recordings from bad on original cd's. I ended up spending way more than I expected when I first started planning things but now I have a sound I am very happy with.
    Also cleaned up my bass. The gain was simply too high on the actual unit. Turned it a bit under the center.
    My final system: HU= Pioneer DEH-7800MP Sub= Infinity BassLink f speaks= Eclipse SP6500 - Eclipse 6.5" 2 way R Speaks= Infinity Ref. 6x9 2 way Thanks for everyones help.

  9. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member


    it takes most people years to build a system that they are happy with.
    You have become a jedi.
  10. CadillacETC1997

    CadillacETC1997 Well-Known Member

    yuh ecli beats out infinity ref anyday of the week...
    kappas or perfects tho....
  11. under200

    under200 Full Member

    I am just very impatient.:D It ****ed me off listening to a sub-par system everytime I rode somewhere.
