bass guitar???

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by PimpinInMyJeep, May 2, 2002.

  1. PimpinInMyJeep

    PimpinInMyJeep Full Member

    Anybody have any good sites for a beginning bassit???
  2. PimpinInMyJeep

    PimpinInMyJeep Full Member didn't work.

    Do guys pick or finger?

    I'm learning to do both, but when I pick my strings always buzz against the frets, at least E does majorly....not sure if this is because of the way i'm strumimg or what.

    I know it's not my finger position, becuase when i finger it sounds fine.

    Also you guys know how to build rythem up when your fingering the string? I always seem to lose my rythem when I walk fast...
  3. oioismitty

    oioismitty Full Member

    I play both. Finger mostly, but on really fast songs I have to pick.
  4. oioismitty

    oioismitty Full Member

    Here's a good speed/rythem-building technique.




    Play it throught and repeat alot, go a little faster everytime you play it through perfect.

    Seems REALLY boring but it really does help right and left hand technique alot.