Audison Lrx 4.300

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by goodsguys, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. goodsguys

    goodsguys New Member

    Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this post.

    I have the audison lrx4.300 to drive my tweeters, and noticed it is a four channel amp, so was thinking of using it to drive my bass units as well. is this a good idea?
    Ideally i want to use 3 amps, one dedicated to each drive unit (bass, mid, tweeter) but was thinking if i could get away with using the audison to drive 2 channels.

    Is this a good idea or would i be better off sound quality wise to stick with 3 seperate amps.

    Thank you.
  2. goodsguys

    goodsguys New Member



    The audison sounds good at the moment handling the tweeter only, i was concerned if the bass (20hz-400hz)with its heavy current requirements would be adding too much of a load onto the amp.

    To me restricting the "bandwidth" each amp has to reproduce makes the amp sound better, to my ears anyway, theoretically tri-amping should be the best because it cuts down the frequency range fed to each amp, therefore cuts the workload, because the audison has 4 channels i was wondering if it would be possible to use 2 channels to drive the tweeter and the remaining 2 for the bass.
    Just at the moment the tweeter sounds brilliant i am very happy with what the audison is doing, just wondering if feeding it bass signals increases the workload too much and ruins this.

    Thank you. John.