Whats this thing like? I'm most attracted to it because of its small size... I have some best buy money and they carry it. I've been poking around here for awhile and it seems like everyone has a different opinion...In the end, this apparently has good power (supposedly hits like two 12s) and it also has a built in amp. Anyone installed or heard one? Thanks Dean
I have the recent Car Audio Mag that has a review about it...said the system sounds awesome but is more suited to open cabin vehicles and not trunk vehicles
I have a co worker that has that in his Jetta. it does move some air for the small size, but it does not like the low frequencies that much. Great sound BUT for the cash it takes to get it id listen for myself to see if id like it. I think he said he paid around 600 $ for it. It compares pretty well to my 2 12 inch ppis, to a point than the amp runs out of steam and starts to clip. But like I said for that kind of cash id listen for myself.
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage...t&productCategoryId=cat03081&id=1149208576211 Here's a link... It says 700 but I can get it for 600. Considering I have 400 in best buy cash, I think it would be something I should look into. Its got some good thump (supposedly) and I think it would suit my Tahoe just fine. It would save me a lot of trunk space. I was planning on dropping around a grand for parts etc. installed and this would fall within that budget. Its simple and looks clean... Tough to turn down right now.
OK, I did a little searchin on this thing........ It is nothing more than a simnple bandpass enclosure.... NOW, Not knowing what it uses for drivers, I must say this....even though most folks seem to like the sound of it and praise its output.....I doubt its worth 700 bucks..... heres why....... Years ago, i made an experimintal bandpass enclosure, used two six inch orion XTR's in it. I played with the tuning, started with a dual reflex design, then eventually found that the output and SQ were both better with a single reflex design......These 2 woofers were fed up to around 300 watts RMS of REAL power. they performed flawlessly..........cost to buld including the drivers, about 350 bucks.....12 years ago In the corner of our demo room, we had an SS12 soundstream in a vented box that POUNDED HARD......behind it I placed the newly built single refles bandpas with 2 XTR 6 inchers in it, on a switch.....I had several folks listen to the 12, thinking they were actually listneing to it.......when in fact they were not.....every one thought that it sounded awesome......then I actually turned on the 12 and it only did a bit better in overall output, low frequency extensiuon was lacking in the subdpass, that is what gave it away to a few of the citical listeners.......... Its ALL in the box design......... I had this box in my car for a while run on a 2125 sx oion (500watts rms clean) never had a problem, and it rattled the damn windows.......thats 2 six inch drivers folks, it aint magic, its in the box design......
It's funny, everyone I talk to continually tells me that the box is the most important aspect of any system... I'm starting to think that there must be some truth to that argument... In the end, it may not be worth 700 (600 in my case) but I have the money to best buy and its where I want to spend it...
Box is 90 percent of it. My box with one 15 JL W4 with 300 watts is about as loud as my friends two Memphis Mojo 12's with 2200 watts...box is everything
Hey, if you like the sound of the alpine box, and you have the cash and dont want to mess with building a box,,,,,go for it..... i aint really slamming it, just that It seems pricey to mefor what it is..... Bottom line, do what YOU think sounds good for YOU!!!!!!!!!