Don't know if this should be here or in the custom fabrication section but here goes... I know i've seen a link before for this but i can't find anything after searching for a couple hours.... Does anyone have a link on a DIY for building a subwoofer? Not a subwoofer box, just the subwoofer. Any help is greatly appreciated...
i would imagine its like doing a re cone right? you'll need the basket and motor you want to use and then find the soft parts that will work with them. i want to say i know a few guys that mismatched baskets and motors to make their own creation. i'll look and see. i do have this sites link, that my buddy works with. im sure you can buy all the parts their to make your own sub..
thanks for that link. still lookin for a DIY for speaker building...i figure i have enough subwoofer laying around my garage to build something if it's not too complicated...